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Re: Accusations Against Me by Shadderstag

I have released public statements covering my side of things.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer :)

Re: Accusations Against Me


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    How anyone could have made an issue out of this is beyond me.

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      It hasn't really gone anywhere so it's now kind of just A Thing That Happened lol

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    Since I have been out of the loop for a while, I'm only just seeing​ this now. Sorry you had to deal with all that.

    And I feel I should personally apologize for the second part (to you and a few other artists I respect), because when I was reading over it, I realized I have been one of those people that put a blanket over anything with CSA in as 'pedophilia'. I was rather insensitive about it, specifically, when the whole thing with... Whatever that website that sprung up not that long ago was called, I forgot, was being aggressively requested to ban anything 'underage'.

    I'm sorry. It's too easy to 'white knight' something when you only look at it from an ignorant perspective, and that's on me.

    I hope you have been well. Once I get my shit together, I will hopefully get back to being more social.

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      Hey, it's okay, I was one of those people too. I used to raise my pitchfork and torch with the best of them, but I did some good hard critical thinking and realized the Popular Opinion(tm) isn't always the "right" one, and even if it is, the bullying and fearmongering does absolutely nothing. These people don't provide any room for change; once you're marked as Bad you will always and forever be Bad and can never redeem yourself.

      Best thing about ignorance is it can be changed! Thank you for taking the time to read and do some cognitive dissonance. I think about you often, and hope you're doing well <3 I'm actually doing fairly well, all things considered haha. Bunch of little shit that piles up, but overall better than I could be, given the circumstance x)