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Boundaries and resourcefulness by GuzzleMuzzle

Boundaries. It's largely amongst young people that wild things of fiction and art propagation are highly interesting, and even though I'm 34, I still think that is very cool (you have a gist of my maturity level in the kind of lingo I employ. xD).

Writing this, I'm just mildly confused where artful interests and popular art venues are concerned. The simplest way to explain this is to ask a question or two.

How do you guys, those who viewed this post, feel about "wild ideas"?

Fringe ideas for art, crazy ideas for projects - all the things that make the art world awesome. How do you feel, in the sense of subscription? What I'm asking is, do you, or have you ever, liked crazy ideas?

It's something to ask due to atmospheres surrounding artistry. I guess this is a good point to bring up~

Resourcefulness. Back when I was active on - and had access to - Fur Affinity, I was very resourceful where saving files was concerned. Basically, I most often made sure to download what interested me, some of which may not be posted up these days.

I don't think it's so very foggy to most who frequent this website that FA is popular largely due to its torrents (not file torrents, but size and amounts) of pornographic artwork. Not going to beat around the bush - I have a metric fuckton of what was floating around back then backed up. My point is to say, in the line of crazy ideas, it doesn't get too much crazier than encapsulating both cool ideas and pornography in the same token. However, that's not specifically my focus in asking what I have thus far.

The denotion "crazy ideas" extends to the unusual; the unlikely; the extraordinary. Whether done within or on the exterior of largely unscrupulous terms, how do you guys feel about such ideas? Things you don't see every day. Things that are likely to surprise you. Things that may even however more or less disturb you - how do you feel about such things?

I ask this in earnest out of curiosity for how things are currently in the art world, or, just how they are with you guys. o.o


This is merely innocent meandering, so please don't take offense, as I in no way mean any of you any ill will. It's difficult to express oneself in text without quite possibly being seen as overly forward, when that may not even have been the aim.

Boundaries and resourcefulness


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