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Character Development Week 4: Jade! by Zaezar

I was unable to finish all the asks for Zae. But then again, I made a lot more personal artwork and comics. Its not like that time wasn't spent well! I do plan on going back and getting them after I'm done with these weeks of character art. Speaking of which... Jade is this week's character! Like usual, I cannot draw the same thing twice and I can draw only them for this week. It will start tomorrow (1/22/17) and ends on Saturday (1/28/17)

Like usual, I will have asks open for Jade. I will try my best to get through all of them :)

On to the random info stuffs.

  • Jade is a succubus. Not the kind that eat their lovers souls though. More of a type of species that has to consume emotions to stay mentally healthy. Like eating food keeps you physically alive, they do with the feelings of those around them.

  • Vain. Very very self-centered. Literally her first thoughts are always how it will effect her specifically before she considers another person.

  • She had some magic ability. But its very weak and never really utilizes it. Only time she uses it is to make her wings usable for flight. Otherwise, she is perfect and doesn't need magic help.

  • She does care for others, but she just has a very tough time actually showing it. Its all fairly new to her. So she will default push people away personally and not bother.

  • Loves clothes. Furs, leathers, cloths, and any other type of fabric are all things she has worn in the past.

  • Even though she is a succubus she actually hates the idea of sleeping with people like some other ones do. Kinda fits into her default state to push people away, she actually is afraid of falling in love. So she prefers to feed on other emotions rather than love.

More to come~
Hopefully I can get through this week of asks haha.

Character Development Week 4: Jade!


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    I had a fantasy story with Incubi and Succubi that were like that. It seems we think along the same creative lines sometimes. :)

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      I'm currently working on another Succubi explanation image. We will see if this is also similar or not :)

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        The incubus who helped out a detective in my story had "The Imperial March" as his ringtone and worked in a Library.....for humour. I think it's fun to develop things a bit more when you're using creative licenses such as's much more fun. I liked your descriptional image. :) You can still use the general basis of such a creature, but you can develop more background suited to your individual "universe". ;)

        I mean Capcom's famous succubus character, Morrigan, had wings growing out of her head and her back............there's some creativity there. chuckle