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off review by ketripon

its another dumb rpgmaker game

in my friend's words, it's a really shit ass boring game with a really interesting backdrop


off review


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    if there's a thing I HATE about rpgs, it's battles and grinding. I'm yet to finish OFF, but I've enjoyed it so far, apart from being frustrated with stupid amounts of enemies poofing up WITHIN the battle and me having no attacks that'd attack ALL enemies at once so it's slow and uuuugh

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      the auto battle is nice because i can just sit through it, but there are SO MANY fights and you cannot flee from any of them and it just feels really forced imo

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    I have seen a lot of fanart of it so far, and the character designs look great. I might give it a shot someday, but probably not.

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      the overworld is frustrating puzzles and the battles are repetitive and kinda boring, but if you can get attached to the characters it's alright

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    I tried to get it to work for 2 hours 0/10 worst baseball simulator

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      rpg maker games have a tendency to fuck themselves and be broken but when they work they can be fun

      idk why i had to install a special font just to play it when they could have used arial or lucida console

      but whatever floats their boats

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        I installed and re-installed everything a few times but it just refused to work. OH WELL at least I know I'm not missing out on anything super good. I still want to draw the characters tho orz.

        • Link

          youre not missing out on anything you couldn't get from lets plays tbh

          the overworld is all frustrating walk-here-do-that puzzles and you can literally autopilot through every single battle (and theres no escape option) ((and there are a lot of them))