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Rest in Peace, Inkie.. by Menageriecat

My sweet little girl, I love you so much.. my heart aches deeply... Play happy at the bridge, take deep, healthy breaths, stash all the bedding in the food bowl, and hide all your treats in the food bowl, even though you know your sisters, and probably Arthur too, will go steal them from you anyway..<3

Momma's little girl.. I love you so much, my precious little sweetheart.. I love you forever, little sweetie..

I love you..

Inkie Eleanor

Rest in Peace, Inkie..


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    I'm so sorry for your loss :C

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      hugs thank you.. she was a real sweetheart

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    I'm sorry love <3 she had a very privilged life though. If I die early I hope to come back as one of your pampered rats

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      <3 you know, I've had university professors tell me that same thing, that they would like to be reincarnated as one of my rats when they die

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    I'm so sorry to read this, virtual hugs all around. :C

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      hugs thank you <3 she was a sweetheart, and would have snuggled you lots

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    My condolences go to you, I'm so sorry about the passing of your baby

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      *huggles*thank you <3 she was a sweetheart...super snuggly and lovable

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    Oh no :c Poor little baby! But she had you, she must've had an amazin, yogurt filled life :3 May she rest in peace <3

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      <3 i try to be the best rat mommy i can be. thank you <3