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I am currently computerless and unable to complete updates for TOHG and other works.

HOWEVER, I do miss you all, I am still able to read your messages and such, and I can still take pictures of sketched works via my phone.

I will most likely be taking Traditional Headshot Commissions for very low prices and will be having surgery soon. :(

Please let me know how all of you are doing, though! How's the season treating you? What games and such are you excited about and/or playing?

Personally, I have Poke'mon Moon and picked Rowlette, but work has been taking a bit of time. <3
I miss you all!



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    I had a kid at gym showing me Pokemon Sun which he has been quite excited about for a while. I tried to get excited about it as the graphics at least are really nice but even though they used different terminology and I'm sure there's an interesting story behind it and all the game mechanics sound so same-same I just can't bring myself to drop the money on it (because I'd have to get a new DS as well) when I could save up for some new devices XD

    Good luck with the surgery, hope it all goes well! Take it easy :)

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      Oof! Yeah, the new DS part would be pretty expensive. The game mechanics are pretty cool. No more HMs, and you can take pictures of poke'mon in certain spots along with a few other things. It's interesting for sure. Maybe you'll eventually be able to find a way to get it on the CPU as an emulator someday? It's not impossible?

      I'll try! 2 weeks out of work starting on December 5th! I'll probably be doing some $1-3$ headshot sketch commissions since I can still take phone pictures and upload them. X___X Plus, the surgery is going to cost me quite a bit! EESH! Hospitals are so expensive!

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        Maybe at some point in the future when the price has dropped a bit. Maybe. I donno, even if there are new pokemon and new stories there's only so much "defeat 8 something leaders/masters for 8 prizes to be eligible to take on 4 grand masters to become champion of the universe, and save the world and capture some pokemon gods along the way" I can handle XD

        Yes, yes they are -_-

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          Haha, that's part of the reason I bought these ones... XD they changed a little more of how things are set up in this game than they usually do....what with the whole 'Pokemon adapting to surroundings' feel, riding pokemon instead of HM stuff, and instead of like..4 or 5 trainer battles, you do these odd little trials (that do have little battles in the end). It's just a little bit more of a's nice.

          And yeah, >_< ugh, healthcare. This place is so expensive in all the wrong places..

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            Wonder if their sales were dropping due to flogging the formula so hard XD I may eventually check it out maybe one of these days. In the meantime I'm making a tabletop roleplay for kids and friends (because they like the idea of pokemon but everyone wants to play it with everyone else in a properly interactive fashion, not in the severely gumby way the official games allow or in the wtf way Pokemon Go does but not really).

            Hope the health care woes are resolved with minimal pain :S

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              That sounds awesome! Dungeons and Dragons has taken quite a turn to be popular these days...and it's definitely fun having people use imaginationative stuff more!

              It's going alright. So far just a few more days until I can work again and start paying off more bills. X.x The scabs in the throat bit is not fun though.

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                D: yeh hope that doesn't stick around too long! Glad it's going all right other than that :)