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All-con and a Hurt Kitty by ReddWulf

Friday afternoon my kitty, Tigger, came home with a horribly swollen leg and a bad limp. I woke up my fiancee, who was sleeping after the graveyard shift at work, and we rushed the little guy to the vet. We were going to use some of the money going towards a convention I was going to attend the next day to pay for his vet bill, and I was afraid I wasn't going to get to go, but I didn't really care. I wanted to get Tigger taken care of.

The vet told us it looked like he had been in a fight with another cat. He had a little puncture wound on each side of his back leg, and a VERY deep cut on the end of his tail. His leg, as I said, was very swollen and sore. They shaved the fur away from the area and I was shocked to see how bruised it was. They prescribed pain pills and ClinDrops, an antibiotic to help with the swelling,abscess and to keep away infection. They also gave us some special wipes to keep his leg and tail clean. Surprisingly, it only cost us about $50 0r so for everything, So I was still able to attend my con.

I went to All-con with a few friends on Saturday. We all had a great time, and even signed up for the costume contest.

I spent the whole day in suit, only taking it off for lunch. God, that's about 11-12 hours total, maybe more. Buck DEFINATLEY needs a bath.

I didn't even go into any panels. I wandered about, looking at vendors and interacting with the people. Saw a fight between two Darth Vaders, met an 8ft tall Wookie and Iron Man, as well as a few other furries.

They had a "droid hunt" going on. They would give you a tag for your lanyard that depicted a droid from Star wars. If imperial troops came up to you and said "How long have you had those droids?" You'd surrender your droid in return for a raffle ticket. You could also get a tag that was good for one Jedi mind trick, so you could keep your droid.

A storm trooper came up to me, after I had just removed my fursuit head. "Halt furry animal! How long have you had those droids?" I stopped and looked at him. "Oh, long enough to get them under my collar." I un-clipped my droid and handed it over. The trooper leaned a little closer and said "I was going to stop you in costume have a pretty face," Mind you guys, it's hot in a fursuit, so I was sweaty, hair a mess, fed-faced from the heat. I flashed my engagement ring at him and he threw up his hands. "Not again!" We both laughed and he gave me my raffle ticket. I went on my merry way with a new droid, happy to be complimented like that.

5pm rolled around and we gathered up for the costume contest. They had us on stage one by one while the MC's did their thing and announced for us. I couldn't hear much but I heard my name and something about a chariot pulled by Corgis. XD I didn't stay on stage long because with the lights and so many people, I was overheating up there.

We met back up in the room they were holding us in and they called out names in groups. I didn't think I'd be called but low and behold I was. They announced my friend in her Jill Valentine cosplay as second, and myself as first place! That was a big surprise. I didn't even expect to place!

Buck now has a little trophy, which will proudly be displayed right next to his head on the shelf.

It was such a fun experience for my first convention, I can't wait for A-Kon this May!

All-con and a Hurt Kitty


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