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15 years ago.... by JohnStripedfur

Where were you when it happened?

I was in my senior year in high school. During that morning, I was going from my first period class of Politics 101 to my second period class of trigonometry and just as I was putting my bag onto my usual seat, a classmate just rushed in shouting, "Quick, quick! Turn on the TV!"
I asked, "Why do you want the TV on?"
"A plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers!"
As soon as he turned on the TV and get onto CNN, there it was. One of the towers was on fire at the very spot where the plane crash. We were all shocked, but thought it was a tragic accident. Then, a few minutes later. The second Twin Tower went up as another plane crashed right into it. That was then that we knew that was no accident that just happened. Something was wrong.
Our teacher told us to turn it off so we can get back to our lesson. We didn't really paid any attention because the image of the other tower blowing up etched into our heads. We wanted to see what's happening.
Third period came and it was my Driver's Ed class. Luckily, the teacher there decided to skip lessons and just pay attention to the news as we were all trying to figure out what's going on. It was there that we saw on the screen that the Pentagon got hit as well. My father was working there at the time. My heart skipped a few times. And I froze. Wasn't sure if I should get out and call to make sure he's fine, look for my brother as he was in the same school I was, or just stay in class throughout. I chose to stay in class until the next period. Didn't have a cell phone then.
Next period came and it was my lunch period. Immediately, I went to the nearest payphone in the school. I called the Pentagon first. Hoping there was someone there that can tell me if my father was ok. It was disconnected. Then, I called home. Knowing my mother was there to see if she's fine and if she knows anything. When I called, it was my father who answered. I've never been so relieved in my life. Knowing he's ok as well as my mother, I decided to stay in school throughout and went to tell my brother about it.
Thoughout the day, many of the students were scared and paranoid. The principle announced that if we all can decide whether or not to stay in school or go home. Many went home, but others stayed. I stayed. There was a lot of rumors going around on who attacked us. We even heard there was a car bomb nearby and another plane crashed north of us. I was in DC at the time. It was a really scary day then. Never would forget it.

That was my experience. What was yours? Feel free if you want to share.

Always remember. Never forget.

15 years ago....


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