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Latest Foxy News by r-a-blackpaws

So, since I've been spending lots of time outside of here (YouTube, school, Stupid), I feel I should update everyone on what's been going on.

-I have been diagnosed with mild diabetes. My numbers are just barely into the diabetes range (literally, less than double-digits on all tests), but it still counts. Lots of medical appointments coming up.

-finished this class. I now have a two-week window where I no longer have class. Next class begins after Labor Day. Child psychology. (Running joke: now I'll be able to understand internet behavior)

-having my arse kicked in at work. Insanely busy, late hours, OT every week...and my job not even CLOSE to being done each day cause I keep getting borrowed for other things.

-the channel. So, I have found out that all of my hard work for my YouTube channel is going to amount to a whopping...sixty-six cents. Seriously. That is how much I will be making from my channel. I must be doing something wrong. >.<

-stories. I do have ideas. I will be plugging on them.

-self-improvement. I am on a major room renovation kick, so I've been having a friend come over and help me renovate/reorganize my bedroom/YT space. Changes here are good.

Think that's enough for now. Busy fox is busy. ^.^

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  • Link

    things you are doing wrong with your channel: Expecting too much. You are less than a month old and have enough followers to fit in one hand. You are not going to be rolling in the dough. A 1/6 of your videos are also just barely long enough to bring in any money anyways.. things that not necessarily pulled viewers over the 60 second mark that drops a penny in your bucket. Just ignore the numbers for a bit longer and find out your recording style and what you are personally happy with. Also maybe a backdrop... That wall behind you is distracting to viewers, and a plain screen makes it feel more personal.

    • Link

      Yeah. I tend to be very impatient when it comes to new endeavors. One reason why I end up flaking on weight loss plans. It's a very big character flaw. >.<
      And I plain backdrop might not be a bad idea. Just have to figure out how to fennagle it. ^.^

      • Link

        now your turn. How do i stop feeling like i want to puke while doing the second draft of this fic? Uhggg writting is harrrrrrrrrd! I manage like 3/4 of a mini-scene before I start to think about just burning my computer to make it stop.

        • Link

          Usually, what I do to help creativity flow is I put on music. Sometimes, a good tune can help the ideas and words flow easier.

  • Link

    Mmmm well you're still fresh, and yah you gotta just get more viewers and such ^_^ It takes time when you start from nadda ;)

    • Link

      Yeah, but as I said above, impatience on new ventures is one of my biggest character flaws.

      • Link

        I tried to get Kit to pimp ya on his twitter cuz he's got like 10k+ watchers but noooo he didn't wanna

        • Link

          It's okay. The subs will come. orders Jimmy John's ;)