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MFM + New Job by NightWolf714

Hi all! Who's going to MFM this year? This pup is! I'm so excited about it too. It's been at least a year since I've gone to a convention let alone a furry one. And it's been literal years since I've made it out to MFM (not since they've moved out of TN). I'm so excited about going. And there's sure to be a lot of friends I haven't seen in ages at it!

The schedule seems pretty interesting. Fewer things than I was expecting, but that's okay. There's a few panels I'm interested in and a lot of down time for me to just hangout or doodle or something.

I am surprised by the pet-play panel being in the early afternoon since that's often kink-related (even if nonsexually) but I suppose since there's so much cross over between furries and pets that it's not seen that way. -shrugs- Should be interesting all the same though. :)

The other part of this journal is just giving life updates. I've been fairly slow on the art stuff lately. Part of it is feeling like I'm in over my head with this art doll and haven't felt motivated to work on it.

The stronger reason is that I've started a new job. It's only part time so it's 1 or 2 12-hour shifts a week. Not too shabby. The only complication is that it's night shifts which I didn't want to do but I'm really enjoying. I think I'm getting the hang of flipping my sleep schedule back and forth so that's good. I only just started (this is my second week off orientation) but it's going well. It has the benefit of allowing me to continue being in charge of chores around the house as well as artwork and social time. (At least, it when will I iron out my schedule more, lol.) It also allows me to really focus on what I enjoy instead of trying to trap myself into making my job the end all-be all of who I am and want to do like I was doing with my old job.

So lots of exciting things going on. :)

MFM + New Job


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