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Commission theme discounts! by Nido-L-Norris

Hi all, Soon I'm going to be implimenting commission theme discounts into my regular commissioning stuff.

Basically, I'll name a theme, it'll stay up for a certian ammount of time. and whoever gets something involving that theme, I will provide a discount in the following ways:

Lines will go from 5 to 3.50
Flats will go from 10 to 7
Shades will go from 13 to 9

what about two character images?

I will provide the discount, then add on half of the discounted price if BOTH characters are part of the discount. If one is part of the discount, then the extra charge is left as is

ex. if durring a nidoqueen related theme

1 nido 1 weavile flat color

7 (Discounted Theme price) + 5(non discounted added character price) = 12 (instead of the usual 15)

2 nidos flat color

7 (Discounted theme price) + 3.5 (discounted added character w/ theme price) 10.50 (instead of the usual 15)

I might mess with these numbers a bit, so be prepared to see some experimentation.

this will all be added to the policy.

Commission theme discounts!


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