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wHYwhywhywhywhywhy by RaineOuShine

Every time I go on this website, I see fetish art on the front page even when I have it set to SFW only.
It's so disturbing. Like, don't get me wrong, I don't care if people got fetishes and stuff, but I don't like it when it's shoved in my face like that??????? Like, ew, please just no..
I know some people want to give their art exposure, so they avoid putting on filters, but seriously, sometimes it just feels plain inconsiderate. <=/
I think this is exhibit A of why I don't get on here often anymore, unless it's to upload new art-work.



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    oof, I know how that is.. >.<;
    I'm like: nope nope I don't want fat feet in my face, thank you very much 0-0;
    but yeahh I do think there should be a mature filter for fetish art as not everyone is comfortable with it.
    no offense or anything, just saying I agree with ya here ^w^;

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      Yeah, there is a filter, but it doesn't work for some reason. Probably because users are not marking their submission the way they should.
      I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this though!

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        I kinda dislike when people don't filter their art :< a few times before, some peeps haven't filtered their gore art and I got scared cos gore's one of my biggest fears.. shiver {{ (>_<) }}
        oh and same here! I also thought I was the odd one out too ^w^;

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          Aah, yeah, people should have some more decency and consideration of others tbh

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            yee! true that