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Eurofurence - Want something at the con? Let me know now! by Windfalcon

As mentioned before, I'll be at Eurofurence this year in the Dealer's Den and Art Show. Since this is an overseas convention for me, I need to plan luggage/shipping carefully. If there is anything you would like from me, such as books, a specific print, or a mask or leather feather, please let me know ASAP. I cannot shove things last-minute into my luggage due to weight restrictions, so the more I can ship ahead of time, the better. Books in particular are very heavy, so I only want to bring as many as I know will find owners :3

In addition, if you would like a commission, this is a good time to order one! Currently I have three people down for conbadges. If you would like a sketch or conbadge, let me know, since the more I can finish before leaving for Germany, the better. Prices are as follows:

• Conbadge (full color watercolor, 3X4.5 inches/7.6X11.4 cm) - $50/€45
• Rough Pencil Sketch (no/minimal shading on 9X12 inch OR A4 Bristol paper) - $35/€30
• Detailed Pencil Sketch (detailed shading on 9X12 inch OR A4 Bristol paper) - $50/€45
• Toned (tan) Paper Detailed Sketch - $45/€40

I also can take a very limited number of mask and leather feather necklace and earring commissions. I know since shipping to Europe from the U.S. is stupid, it's hard to get stuff from U.S. artists, so this is a good way to finally get that mask or print or leather feather you wanted without having to pay any shipping :3 Let me know what you would like via comment or note and I will let you know if I can make it before the convention.

Commission Queue: If you've already commissioned me, here is a list of what I owe to whom, as well as commission progress:

Eurofurence - Want something at the con? Let me know now!


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