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Furvilla by Temrin

I am now on Furvilla.
Aaand waiting for my custom paintie to be accepted XD

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  • Link's a game! I saw several people post stuff about this "Furvilla" yesterday and thought--oh, new furry site in the wake of FA's meltdown...? XD I couldn't open up links on my phone (and had no other internet access yesterday) looks really adorable! :)

    • Link

      Its been in the works for a loooong time so its nice to see them finally open. The site is very slow though. I dont know if they were expecting 3K+ people on yesterday LOL!

      • Link

        There's bits that made me think of Animal Crossing, like getting villagers. I imagine they didn't expect so many people in one day! XD

        I still play my ACNL game every day or every other day, for at least 30 minutes. I've played consistently for I think 3 years now--whenever the game originally came out. My villagers are so quirky and funny, I just like to hear the weird things they say. XD

        • Link

          Damn! I have never played ACNL but thats mostly because i dont have the platform for it XD It sounds fun tho :3

          • Link

            I had the white Hamster in my town, Flurry.............she was giving me my horoscope the other day and said I should eat only "yellow vegetables" for a week. WHAT??? XD I don't know what that has to do with my horoscope and what it'll improve. lol

            I have one townsperson (Antonio, a black-and-white Anteater) that I've had since I started my game...I've had to persuade him many times to never leave my town. I'm trying to see how long I play/how long I can keep 1 original villager. That's probably why I still play constantly. :)

            • Link

              LOL! Thats wonderful XD

              Picky Anteater lol! Hehe :3

              • Link

                As I said...they say weird and quirky things. XD

                I also have a blue Unicorn who suspiciously acts...............very fru-fru and is always into lace and decorating.............and he's male! chuckle

                • Link

                  That is also wonderful XD