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Bucky and The Dating Game by bucky_agamemnon

Do any of you remember the dating game? I don't even know if it's still on the area, but every once in awhile I remember seeing it on TV during the game show hours on data that I had off during the weekdays. It usually had three bachelor's and one bachelorette or vice a versa. The funny part is that one of the group of three was either nerdy of a bit strange. I might be dating myself but it wasn't one of them shows that was a must watch.

Any of you ever tried one of them furry dating sites? Even though it has crossed my mind, I never had mainly because of geological location. I live so far away from everybody but sometimes I wonder if I should have taken that right turn heading north on i405, instead of going west on CalState 22 that landed me up in Texas. I often wondered if I should have just stayed put in Southern California and Started a life there. Many though that I was Crazy for moving where I did, but my life turned into an interesting adventure. I got to do things and experience stuff that was impossible living where I used to.

When I moved out to Texas, I didn't think there was much in the line of fire living in this direction. The ones that I bumped into were either a bunch of straight squares, or on the other end of the pendulum of being gay guys that wanted a free roof over their heads with no interest in wanted to work so they can play videogames all day. I literally had to run off a few by letting my refrigerator run empty. My rules were simple, in order to move here, one must be willing to hold a job and have some sort of transportation. Yes I did have a live in mate at one time, but it just didn't work because I was not willing to play sugar daddy on where I busted my ass at not the best paying job while he played around all day.

I got a little sidetracked, but lately I been dealing with one of my hands who just went through a breakup from what was a very short maybe at the most 2 month relationship. Before that he was in one that lasted for over 7 years, which many of us can't figure out. He has been non stop talking about his breakup and how he can't get a woman. He even mention about going to the other side. Of course my pad partner had to give me a hard time saying, “there's one for you, Giggle Giggle”. Oh hell NO! Well I've been noticing that he's been coming in gripping on how he hasn't been getting much sleep that he's all tired. It turns out that he's been chatting to women on dating sites. The rest of the guys were like, didn't you just break up less than two weeks ago? The sad thing is that he has to change some of his ways like with better hygiene. “The guy smells like a freaking yack.” He's trying to hard, and this moving in with them within two weeks of seeing each other probably killed the relationship. From what we gather, he's looking for someone to take care of him, a mommy figure girlfriend. The real trippy thing is I just learned he was in his in his 40s. All this time I thought he was in his 20s, and I think a lot of it was from his immaturity of someone who act like they are in their teens. I know many in their 20s who are far more mature than he his.

With all the chatter about dating, mates, and relationships, it got the O' brain gears turning. Back during my popular days I had no problem of finding a date if I was willing to travel, but now that I'm older it seems like I have become a has-been. “Something that we were called from my previous employment.” I know I shouldn't let this bother me, but when I got shunned because of my employment, it made me feel like crap, that is why I changed out of my work clothing when I get home. I proud of what I have accomplished and been able to hold on to the same job, I just hate it when people do think I'm good enough because my shirt is a bit blue with a sewed on patch.

Bucky and The Dating Game


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