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Fell behind, but still throwing art here, DCC by Kamakru

Hi everyone who may be reading this! I'm sorry I haven't been much active, I'm so far behind on things here. I can honestly barely keep up with my main art pages as it is (FA, ArtStation, DA) so here, Tumblr and Drawcrowd get kinda left in the dust sometimes.

I will try to submit more often here, I do have things that haven't been uploaded yet. I'm afraid it might be sort of a submit-and-run sort of deal so I hope you don't mind for a bit ^_^;;

Right now I'm preparing for my 2nd biggest convention of the year - Denver Comic Con! I'm in the artist alley table AV225. Actually I have two tables because I'm straddling that line between AA and full booth lately, but I'm so excited to have some of my new things (I posted these new things already on Facebook, Instagram and twitter so..there's that. Links on my profile!)

Anyways, I hope to see more people around here. Between FA and here, although I do not change the type of content I submit on each site, these are the only two 'furry' sites I use.

Fell behind, but still throwing art here, DCC


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    Glad to see you here, if only for a little while!