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Furry Art Feedback Idea (IMPORTANT (to me). Please read) by Oneironott

I had an idea a while back that I tossed around my twitter and said I was going to pitch other places. I hope this picks up interest (and want to try and pitch is where I can). As a writer in the fandom, I've always been aggravating at the lack of attention to my writing. I am lucky enough to get a couple people who actually read it, not to mention people who give it constructive criticism.

So I really want to try and start some sort of a system that furry writers, especially, can trade pieces and give and receive feedback. I have little clue how I am going to do this, but wanted to pitch a few things on my mind.

-Just Writing? Not sure if I want to include other mediums. Yiffstar/SoFurry did this and (IMO) it overshadowed the writing (even though they are still the best furry website for it). On the other hand, I know for a fact that there'd be artists and musicians who would love feedback as well.

-Where? As of right now, that seems very easy to answer. FA, SoFurry, and Weasyl would be the sites I'd want to throw this at....

-...and when I say throw this at I mean... I am not talking an entirely different site. I don't see how this needs to be more complicated than a group on those sites, performing through journals.

-Does it exist? I am not sure if something like this exists. If it does, I'd love someone to point it out. If it does exist, I would love to join it, pimp it, or even help them out.

-Anonymous or not? I don't want grudges, so I wonder if anonymity would be the best bet for something like this. If so, I imagine a system of assigning numbers and being able to keep track personally of people that way (so it could still be monitored for people not contributing, ect) wouldn't be -too- hard to devise, but I am also busy doing stuff outside of this, so It might be too much to handle for me. Ideally, I'd like to just randomize swaps and let it run itself (save dealing with non-contributors

-Limits- I imagine for poetry, 3-5 depending on length. Fiction/non-fiction as 1500-5000ish words.

Perhaps have two seperate catagories, one for adult and one clean

keep enforcement based on that and ample feedback.

Not sure on feedback limits, but I don't want it too high. something between 250-500 words seem good.

Make sure people know they do not have to submit things every period, but they can ALWAYS give feedback

Develop some sort of warning/punishment system for no or not adequate feedback. I am tempted to make it more strict like one warning, then suspend on repeat offense. repeating this another time will result in being banned from contributing.

-How often? I initially pictured a monthly thing, but perhaps twice a month. I suppose this all depends on how much participation is involved.

-Keeping Track I want to make it so that contributors can submit the same works for multiple periods for more feedback, but keeping track of that would prove difficult. I'm thinking Ideally I would automate it so each contribute is given a sequence of numbers and each grouping of works is given a sequence so that way I can somehow make it so that they won't get paired with the same person who gives them feedback twice.

I know programmers. It can work.

-Discounts? I have the completely-not-fleshed-out idea of trying to get artists and/or writers to give discounts for participation. Again, this all depends on demand. I would NOT, however, want to make it part of the requirements to participate, because I think that would kill interest in the matter. Maybe it would be as simple as encouraging people to give discounts, IDK.

All in all I -want- this to work. This is the very beginnings of my musing on this matter, but if you want to share this with people who might be interested, feel free. I could use peoples' thoughts on the matter.

Furry Art Feedback Idea (IMPORTANT (to me). Please read)


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  • Link

    I'd be willing to participate. :3

  • Link

    I think this is definitely something you should try out. And throwing it here on Weasyl, even to start, may be good since the community here is small and it's easy to get more writers involved and evolve the site. Plus it would bring more people here. I also like your limit idea- I would definitely go with that too!

    I would TRY to contribute but I am not the best of writers. But there are others out there who would really dig this I think ^ ^

  • Link

    Also writing and music would be good hand in hand. Nothing else though, you want to focus on writing in particular anyway.