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Hello Weasyl :U by FamiliarAlien

Since people are actually coming here amazingly enough one idea I got is maybe people should say something about themselves.

Here is facts about me!

  • I have a bunch of health problems. Most notably a chronically herniated disc in my back that effects all my nerves going down. The comment on my fursona's sheet about limping is not like some random thing I made up that's real. I also have an anxiety disorder which is one reason after all this nonsense about FA and its sheer lack of safety made me get the heck out.
  • Despite having an anxiety disorder one of my favorite genre of story telling is horror. In particular I like psychological horror rather than gore.
  • I'm aromantic and bisexual.
  • I own a huge collections of aliens toys. This probably surprises only those that are new to this gallery.
  • My favourite piece of fiction ever is Fullmetal Alchemist (the manga not the version from the first anime adaption).
  • English isn't my first language.
  • I'm very boring.

So there you go.

Hello Weasyl :U


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    Totes gonna do this

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    WHAT YOURE ESL???????? WH

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          ESL= English secondary language? If so yes, French is my first language even though I'm not super fluent in it anymore. Its kinda sad and hilarious because I went to a french school from kindergarten straight to finishing high school.

          THANK YOU ;u;

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    The only problem with psychological horror is that there are so few people who do it right. But when it's done right, it's AMAZING.

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    Welcome to weasyl c:

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      lol thanks I've actually been on the site since it was in beta but I appreciate the welcome. I figured I would introduce myself to new members that came here from FA since I got a few new followers over the last week C:

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        whoops, sorry about that ^^;; welcome back to weasyl!

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    I don't even know with FA anymore, I'm afraid to look, and even more to login.

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      Good, fear FA! Honestly later today I may login if only to inform people I'm leaving and delete my gallery. After that foolishness with the site failing I'm not really going to just forgive and forget. The site has basically a history spanning to its early beginnings of screwing things up, its really only a matter of time their lack of professionalism and integrity fucks up the site once again. This isn't 2008; this site, FN and the new build of sofurry that's on its way are all sites better made and better run than FA. There's really no reason the community at large has to deal with mediocre stuff anymore besides pure stubborn unwillingness to change.

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        Yeah, I remember the last time we had to change passwords, because Dragoneer logged into his admin account from Anthrocon's wifi. Don't know what it was this time, but it all felt deja vu.

        To be fair, FA is running on ancient code from 2006 or something, and now that it has grown to thousands of users and even more submissions in the database, migrating all the data to a new system would probably be a monumental task, while this site and FN could make newer, better code from the get-go with more features.

        This has been the site I check first, large file sizes, if someone has multiple accounts, the posting here will be at higher resolution. Submitting things here is easy and fun - I can post anything, human, furry, nude, erotic, without objection, as opposed to having to think twice elsewhere.

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          Yeah I get it would take a lot of work but it definitely needs to be done. Its not like other sites haven't had to upgrade before, DeviantART is an even bigger site and its been through a fuckload of versions over the years. As much as I hate DA that's one things its done correctly.

          On that note you brought up why I enjoy here and even to a lesser extent FA more than I ever enjoyed DA: people seem less... gross about content. Sure there are some things most everyone agrees is terrible subject matters for art but it tends to be only things that are morally questionable to erotic art with kids. Sites like DeviantART and even smaller general sites I use like Wysp and Artrift always make me feel a little uneasy when I post anything that's furry. Heck I skipped posting the Dibs and Monty images I did a while back on those sites simply because I didn't feel like dealing with the potential of "hurrdurr furfag" kinda comments. As much as I'd like to think the internet has moved on people still make really inappropriate comments on sites like tumblr every time they see a person in a fursuit around a kid which makes me think people still are under the impression furries are all sexual deviants.... not that some don't unintentionally validate that stereotype >-> I mean lately we did have FN banning cub and people getting butthurt about it and calling people all prudes and SJWs. Because nothing says "we aren't a bunch of sexual weirdos!" like getting mad you can't post drawn child porn on a site and trying to play it up as some huge human rights violation/kinkshaming.

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            OMG I have not been on FN (yet) so i didn't know (facepalms) furries...

            ok, i think, well, this is going to be totally un-PC thing to say, but it seems to be a quintissentially American idea ATM that sexual deviants are coming for your children. There's only one kind of deviant that does that, and they are a smaller minority of the population than people seem to believe.

            Still, yeesh, it's only been, what? 15 years since "that CSI Episode" and I still sometimes hear people bring that up, you'd think people would catch on eventually CSI has a formula of presenting over-the-top circus sideshow versions of subcultures ...that lead to murder (cue commercial break)

            Hell, don't even get me started. IMHO furry, yes, that means even FA, has been a "safe space" for discussing kink and fetish without ridicule, and it helped me get over myself a lot. I don't know where I'd be without it, and I'm watching it slowly slip away. I think we're yes, a bunch of freaks and need to own up to it, and show we have something to teach the rest of the world. Namely, accepting that yes, human beings have sexual desires, can we stop freaking out like 12-year olds about it? (This is the short version, I could easily rant!)

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              ;-; Yeah. I'm glad the drama regarding FN seemed to be related a loud niche of jerks that mostly disappeared after they were told that fap material wouldn't be allowed. Seriously of all the ships you're willing to sink with for "free speech"...

              Also this is true, hell trans people just wanting to have a piss somehow gets warped into "they comin' fer ur kids!"... except ya with the exception of their own mother (as fucked up as that happens to be) the most likely person to rape a little boy is a grown man. So unless you're ready to argue little boys matter less than little girls than separating bathrooms based on genitals clearly has squat to do with protecting kids. Then there's gay people shouldn't be allowed near kids because pedos too, that's a fun argument that was pretty fucking common until recently. Hell people have argue allow Islam, a fucking world religion with over a BILLION practicing believers, is supporting child molestation. Seriously child molesters are serious business to say the least, people need to stop crying wolf at literally everyone they think is "weird" is a bloody pedophile.

              Also yeah luckily I haven't heard many people bring up that CSI episodes but seriously that show is remarkably inaccurate in literally every way. Its science is bullshit and so are its plot. It literally appeals to ignorance by using big technical sounding words so it seems like its smart.

              Yes good I agree there, honestly as someone that grew up in a very sheltered Catholic home (not a super religious one but one that definitely didn't allow people to explore themselves any) the furry community has started to allow me to... ya know... be opened about being a full human being which includes having sexual interests. I'm still not to the point I'm comfy posting porn or anything but I am thinking of maybe using my private twitter as a nsfw account instead just so I can actually explore that part a little more in the open. I ain't as kinky as most people but I feel like I should have a space for that at least when I feel the need to draw or share a piece I think is awesome. I rather keep my main spaces teen rated if only for accessibility (I like the idea a 13 year old can go through my gallery and nothing is inappropriate for them. I would like to be able to regulate spaces with actual porn to only 18+ users).

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                FYI similar experience with the Catholic home situation.
                I have a hard time explaining sometimes, most people have one and only one version of highly religious people, which is the crazed "Evolution is a lie!" fundamentalists... which my family is NOT. My parents often watch the science shows with me. They can be the nicest people you'll meet. It's just that, sex is taboo here. Nobody talks about it, not ever.

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                  Yeah sex and some other topics seem to be taboo like I won't even try to explain being transgender to my relative they already give my gay cousin the cold shoulder during family gatherings. They aren't "KILL DA GAYZ!" level prejudice but they definitely have passive aggressive dislike for the LGBT.

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                    Oh yeah, sounds similar.
                    On the one hand, gay never gets mentioned.
                    On the other, making fun of gay people, making fun of the bathroom laws, is.
                    My mom says she has nothing against gay people, and mentions this distant cousin, who I've never, ever met.
                    My dad will not call them anything but "perverts".
                    My mom is convinced there ARE creepy homosexuals who prowl bathrooms for little girls, nonsensical as that sounds, and they even caught a couple in California last week!
                    I swear, I don't NEED to watch Fox News to get my daily dose of conservativism, I'll get one whether I want it or not. >.>

                    It gets rather awkward.

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                      ;A; Yep. When I came out to my dad as trans he decided to casually bring up the one gay person he knew of that actually was a pedophile. About 10% of humanity is gay (and probably even more are bisexual) I can think of at least 5 guys from the backwoods where we lived that molested little girls. Why are they not relevant? Hell what the fuck does being trans have anything to do with sexuality??? I wish people would take microaggressive prejudice seriously because that does hurt to hear people seem to indirectly suggest your more likely to molest kids than other people. As you noted its like a daily dose of Fox News, its one reason my relationship with my dad is almost nonexistent.

                      Hell let me scream more about why this is fucked up: my dad abused me in every way possible except sexually when I was a child/teen. I have trauma triggers because of that man, like not tumblr bullshit memes I mean actual episodes where I BSOD due to being exposed to something I associate with him. This is the human being that thinks indirectly suggesting his son is more likely to be a child abuser is ok based solely on the fact he's transgender. I would say its unbelievable but these days it seems par for the course to project your own shitty behaviour on the LGBT.

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                        wow, I'd say you got it worse than me. At least my relationship with my parents is mostly ok.

                        Sorry for the late reply my internet has been SO dead, it ate my first reply 3 days ago, too!

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                          s'ok. I took about a week to reply to this D:. Also yeah the only parent I have a good relationship with is my mom. I wouldn't say I absolutely hate my dad's guts but combine the bad parenting with the shitty lack of concern with me as a person now its basically sometimes I may call him for a drive because I don't have a car and it saves me a cab fare. Even then the vast majority of the time I get the cab... I think it says a lot when I rather pay a stranger to drive me home than get a free trip with my dad.