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I Know what I should have Done for My New Year's Resolution... by Taggr

A few MONTHS before 2013 hit, I should have started working on a fursona to HOPEFULLY be permanent all through the new year. I think that's what I'll do for next year. So I'm gunna void ALL fursonas from 2013 and earlier. Any fursona I might say is "THE ONE" this year is totally false. Don't believe me. One new years day 2014, I'll decide my fursona for the year and HOPEFULLY that one will make it at least half way through the year. But don't get excited.

As much as I like my spottydog, I don't have any confidence in myself to keep it. So I'll be drawing a lot of different animals this year to hopefully have one jump out at me and grab me by the throat and say "STOP IT. STOP TORTURING YOURSELF. PICK ME. DAMMIT."


I Know what I should have Done for My New Year's Resolution...


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    Draw an amorphous blob and that'll be your fursona. :D IE, it'll be a shapeshifter. X3 it'll explain everything.

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      EVERYONE says that! But the fact is, I WANT to have a firm, strong presence when my fursona is drawn. I don't want to have to point out "Oh, that's me. That was my fursona for the week." I don't want a wishy-washy fursona, even though I myself am very wishy-washy. I want to be confident and comfortable with my fursona. I want a real presence and I want to really know who I am and have my fursona portray the real me.

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        sometimes it's not what you want, but what you are.

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          After a million tries of what I 'am', I think it's time to try what I want. Right now, I'm working on just a 'favorites' fursona. Maybe it'll work. IDK. I have little faith in anything right now.