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Goodbye, Weasyl by Dipper

I am a singer, voice actor, and writer. I can't draw worth a darn.

This is why I started The Beach Bears, as a creative outlet.

Well, it seems the the musical portion of The Beach Bears has now become no man's land for me. I sing. My hands are growing too arthritic to play guitar anymore, so I was relying on legally purchased backing tracks to post them. At first, I would ask the creators of the backing track was the limit was as far as distribution goes. I was told that the amount I paid would be more than enough for a distribution of 1000 or so, even if I charged, which I did not.

Well, I just got notice from Weasyl that they are going to require explicit written permission from the backing track owners. And since I get my backing tracks from multiple sources, it means I have to get it from each and every one, and they will often grant them ONLY for the track purchased, which means I would have to obtain it for each and every backing track I purchased just to be able to post them on Weasyl.

This is entirely too much of a burden for me to fulfill. Ridiculous that the copyright laws have become ridiculously long, and no longer exist to encourage creators to create. They now quash the creative process of new artists.

As much as people don't like a lot of the policies of Fur Affinity, they DO allow the use of legally purchased backing tracks without having to prove that you have permission to post your singing online.


Goodbye, Weasyl


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    I'll miss you

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    Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. -:(