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Cross posting tool I started by ScruffyBrush

Hello! I've started coding a simple crossposting helper tool.
It's written in Java and is much more practical than pretty.

Here's a video of it in action, filling 3 art submission forms at once:

Basically what is does:
1) Takes any common inputs for furry art sites.
2) Generates a test suite to run with Selenium using your default firefox profile.
Then Selenium takes over, just open and run the generated test suite!

I'd like ideas for wanted functionalities. So far it has:

Generate Image upload test suite:
Title, description, tags, image file

Generate Journal:
Title, description (same problem with DA)

Sites supported:
-DA (partial: Missing description. DA is being needlessly fancy and changes the editor's ID dynamically, no idea how to bypass the problem atm.)

Any ideas for additional functionalities or websites you'd want implemented?
Do you mind activating Selenium manually? I'm a bit noob so far that's why it be the way it is.
I intend to give this away for free. I think it would be a good way to encourage crossposting and activity in general on furry sites :>
(I get very lazy crossposting)

BTW, this was uploaded using that tool ;>

Cross posting tool I started


Journal Information



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    sounds like a fun project but, why selenium?

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      Only website automation I knew about. Do you know any? Just tried imacros, but it's beyond broken on chrome.

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        I dunno, I guess I'd just try to emulate the POST sent by the browser directly rather than use it at all.

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          The forms are not similar enough. This way lets the user fill missing/verify fields.

          Eg: weasyl content rating, FA and DA folders etc.

          • Link

            well you gotta populate something in your app right so i presume theres forms there? why not have like "folder [DA only]"
            ok well deviantart is a bad example since its so Account Specific but you get my drift.

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              Idk if it can't be reused for multiple sites, why bother?

              For 2+ sure though.

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                well I guess if they have to put it in anyway then why not keep it all in one place, is my thought.

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                  Hmm right. I'll consider it then.

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    been using this badboy for a whiiiiiiile now and I LOVE IT
    (this is waxpost right?)

    Would you be willing to do the same for cross posting to Deviantart?
    I hate posting things there it's so LONG and tedious

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      What's waxpost?

      Also DA is already in but the support is sadly incomplete :

      It selects the title and the image, that's it.