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Haven't Been Here in Ages -- Bad Place and Art Suggestions? by Heskynn

So for anyone who follows my FA, you know I've been... erratically active.
I am in a CRAP place with my art right now, and have no idea what to do to get out of it.
So one of the things I'm going to do is try to reopen and revitalise my old accounts, littered about the internet on various sites, like this one, and for anyone still paying attention, I would be VERY glad of any and all feedback on my artwork, constructive would be most preferable of course =P

A part of that is that I'm going to be, from here on until I say otherwise, open to suggestions/requests.
That is NOT a promise that I'll do anything and everything sent my way, but I would like to get ideas from other people, have my mind opened to new ideas, maybe make some friends along the way =3

Obviously I am really REALLY behind in updating this gallery, so we'll see how that goes.


Haven't Been Here in Ages -- Bad Place and Art Suggestions?


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  • Link

    Man, that sounds exactly like what I've been going through lately. I'd offer a request, but I'm kinda at loss for ideas myself. :/

    Anyway, welcome back!

    • Link

      Sorry to hear that Mr. Shigglesworth, it's rough.
      The only relief I've found so far is updating my progress chart/meme and reminding myself that I have done things to be proud of, I hope you're able to find peace with your work soon ^^
      Thank you!

  • Link

    I love your style, it's very unique. You have a way with colors and digital media that I wish to one day be able to be a master of myself. I'm glad I am following you.
    Always a delight to see your artwork pop up in my notifications :)

    You are more than welcome to use my character if it will help you out any. Could draw her in a situation or scenic backdrop you've been wanting to try working on.
    Space, Mountain ranges the grate vast beyond?
    Here she is:

    Art funks suck. I experience them quiet often. I try to challenge and push myself when that happens.I then find it make it worse on myself because I feel I'm not good enough. I try to remember where I am now and look how far I have come and with some patience and dedication to my work I know I will get to where I want to be one day. Can't rush perfection. ^^;

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      Thank you very much, that's so nice to hear! I'm glad you enjoy my work.

      Ah she's so cute! I would love to try drawing her one of these days =O

      I feel like I've been hating on my art since the start of last year, but I updated my art progress meme yesterday (10 years and counting wow...) and turns out I've only been down about it for maybe a few months? So that put it into perspective ^^; I need to remember that slump or no slump, I've come a long way and I'll get out of the bad days sooner or later.

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    you're welcome to use any of my characters that catch your interest. i can't draw so most of my characters were created with either a free base or free line-art. So if you have any questions about any details I'd like to see done they are welcome, or if you want to play a little with something (like hair style) feel free.

    My favorite characters are Castella, Morgan Solskenn, and Anuacyl. I'm not a big fan of NSFW

    • Link

      Thank you ^^

      • Link

        No Problem ^,^ I'm only good at coloring and banners (I have to label my stick figures lol) so to get to see my characters drawn is always exciting.

  • Link

    Hmm... try playing around heavily with proportions? like try to make a person who is extra wide in the shoulders and has ridiculously long arms. the trick is to try and make the end result look not cartoony.

    Or try some strong motion pics, like the classic 'throwing a discus' pose, all twisted up and ready to let go...

    that's the best i got :) Doubt it's actually useful, but there's always a chance, eh?

    • Link

      That might be a very good idea actually P= thank you!

  • Link

    Would you like an art trade >w<''??

    • Link

      I totally would! I'm currently opening up emergency commissions so if I get any bites I might be a bit slow... but YES I'd love to do an art trade with you!

  • Link

    I've been very quiet too (because college and other stuff ha hahaha sweating)
    And I also realized I haven't been giving this site my attention, to which I feel bad for all the artists I'm following and giving no feedback to (again, I'm so sorry bout that ;-;)

    As for your art (which I think is great, by the way, even though I haven't been giving any feedback), you can probably give yourself a sketchbook challenge. I found one here (she's an artist I rather admire too but that's not the point haha). I thought it was a good idea, so I'm going to eventually start it.

    It's just a suggestion. Other than that, I wish you the best on your art journey (but I know you've got this~)

    • Link

      Aw, nothing to apologise for broski! Besides College is important.

      Oh wow I love how this woman talks, she's so animated ;w;
      I already have a 'draw SOMETHING every day' personal challenge going on, even if it's just a doodle -- and that got me out of the worst of my rut, but I'm gonna listen to this lady and see what she has to say, she sounds very knowledgeable. Thank you ^^

      • Link

        I've met her in real life, and she basically talks like that off screen also xD But yeah, she has a good understanding of form which is why she's one artist I turn to for "betterment help" and all that jazz.

        You're welcome; I'm always happy to offer help to fellow arteests. U3U