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Art Wish by TristanAlexander

I can not afford to do it, but boy would I love to take a year and not do ANY art that I have to, no commissions etc. and just spend a whole year drawing the human form! Drawing, painting whatever, men mostly but a few females as well. I feel like I have lost some of my knowledge of human anatomy and would be a much better artist if I could do that.

Ah well. :(

Art Wish


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    I sort of miss doing life drawing modeling sessions. In my last places, I did that as a side job, I started in college for my college then moved into private and studio work. I feel rusty now on pose work on the other side of that aspect. I am always hassling my male friends to pose too because its often harder to get males of various ages and shapes to do sessions too, or multiple model sessions.

    I use Croquis Cafe by onairvideo on youtube which is in real time with various poses and times for them, which is nice, they also do 360. I try to remember to do a session at least once a week though I really should do more.

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      I have looked at them but have never seen a male model.

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        I can link you to a few they do, I had to bookmark them but they have a few regulars.

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      Note to self, Bug partner to start modeling again. He did it for classes in college.

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        Yes plox. My sister's hubby might start doing it after I mentioned it too. The ye ol old guy gets, uh old?