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The Good, The Bad, and the New Year by Ellen-Natalie

Been about six months since the Fan Comic Event, I should probably update this journal.
It's a long post, but I've had a lot to think about lately. I'll summarize in the comments at the bottom if you'd prefer not to navigate it all.

2015 was amazing. Just briefly looking over some of the highlights, so many things I wanted to do for so long happened within the last twelve months:

Got to see my family again after two years of moving around the country.
Published a collection of FE Comics
Published an FE Graphic Novel
Attended a Furry convention as a Dealer for the first time
Got FE books to be carried by a few retailers, including Rabbit Valley
Set up a crowdfunding campaign to fund future FE projects and help manage bills

None of those things listed would've happened if it wasn't for all your support. (Except seeing my family again. Maybe.) Whether you pledged on Patreon, bought a book, visited me at events, shared comic updates and announcements with your friends, or just kept coming back to the website when it updated -you helped make this an amazing year. Thank you so much! Reflecting on how far FE has come and how awesome you folks are is always an inspiration, especially after rough times like the last week.

I'm always hesitant to share details about my personal life online, especially not-so-great details. Everyone has problems, and I've always worked to make FE accounts a positive place on the internet. But when life events affect FE's updating schedule, like recently, I feel you're owed an explanation. This past week I was let go from my office job.

That may not sound like it's a serious problem. ("Aren't you making money from your art?") And you're right, thanks to all of you the situation's not nearly as bad as it could be. But it was a pretty big emotional blow. I really loved that job, the company itself, and the people I worked with over the years. Being told by people you trust and care about that you don't have a future together is a very specific kind of pain.

With my suddenly more open schedule and everyone talking this month about the new year and new beginnings, I've been taking time to figure out "what next?" Like the hypothetical question in the previous paragraph says, FE is starting to generate a steady source of income. I could try increasing it, becoming a full-time artist. It's the goal I've been working towards. But it's also a big risk, especially now - not just for me, but for my family. Is chasing my dream worth sacrificing their security? I've been applying to office jobs similar to the one I had, but they're all a considerable commute away. Is having even less time for art than I did before worth ensuring our financial future? Is there a middle ground somewhere so I can have it all like every girl was promised growing up in the nineties?

These aren't questions that can be quickly or easily answered. I can't shake the feeling the choices I make in the next few months are going to have a ripple effect over what place art has in the rest of my life. I can at least take comfort knowing no matter what happens, art always will be part of my life. (For my funeral, I'm having a 24 crayon salute. Preferably on the wall.)

And I can take comfort that no matter what happens, I'm going to keep updating FE. I care about its' characters and enjoy all your fine company way too much to stop. Again, 2015 was an amazing year. 2016 is already shaping up to be an interesting one, as well - I hope navigating it will prove to be a good experience.

The Good, The Bad, and the New Year


Journal Information

