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Chill Evening in a New Year by DeceitfulShade

Today felt a little chaotic, even though it was all spent just at home.

I ended up waking up at about noon.. .. I think. I actually can't remember now. Was it 11 or 1?
I just know that there was a 1 somewhere in the time.

Got up.. tended to the dogs.. made some food.. ran to 7-11, heated some water for a bath.. did a little bit of cleaning and played games all day.
Pretty much an ideal day off.

Now I get to wind down, picking and choosing music to play at work, 'cuz I'm tired of using a dinky little stereo on one of the shelves; I wanna use the speaker wall.
(if anyone has instrumental/safe for work suggestions for music, throw 'em at me! This playlist needs to be REALLY LONG)

Now it's a new year.. and I'm supposed to have some kind of resolutions.
I'm honestly not sure if I have any; I'm just kind of ... doing things as I get to 'em, or committing as soon as I want to, as soon as I'm ready.. not setting expectations for myself, or setting some kind of limit on what I want to do..
something like that.

I've got my friends.. I've got my music, my job that lets me have a few things here and there..
I think I'm good for a while. I don't want to rock the boat just yet and do anything crazy.

How's it goin' for you all? Any resolutions you're making? How did the first of the year go for you?

Chill Evening in a New Year


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    I'm going to read at least one book. That's what I want to do! XD

    I hope you have a great 2016! :)

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    Have a great 2016! :D

    I didn't do anything special for New Year's. ^^;