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Kanji/ Envy by Hatthetrick

Kanji/ Envy


Kanji/ Envy
60+/ Old as sin
8 foot 9 inches
Protogen, Shapeshifter, and Demon

Name: "My name is Kanji not in Kanji, but still.. I'll just take yours instead."

Age: "I don't have a age since I am not human but I have been fully built since the mid-1900's." (I didn't mean this but their age is around the late 60's and time since they are a 'demon')

Species: "I am a protogen and a demon of Envy but I am also a shapeshifter to be able to turn into things that I like and deem pleasing visually."

Gender: "Both I have no limits."

Height: "Whatever height I'd like." (Kanji stays around eight foot and nine inches tall.)

Sexuality: "You is all I have to say." (He is bi.)

Likes: "I like people that can seem to be a good host for me if I had to share their body, Being able to turn into other things, A nice and caring host, and my visor for eyes."

Dislikes: "A host that doesn't want to share, malware, people that are envious of me, and people that don't have much of a taste as a host."

Predator or Prey: "If I like your body I will be a prey otherwise I am a predator."

Colors: (I'm not going to do the colors for this one I'm far to lazy to do it, sorry guys!)

Main Trait: "Me being you but also the other way around." (Envy.)

Partner: "You can be my partner."

What is their name based off of?: "The Japanese alphabet." (They are based off of Persona 4's Kanji Tatsumi Iove him a ton.)

Base link:

(Don't make any protogent jokes or I swear to god I will delete that comment so fast it would look like you never posted it... Also if you don't know what a protogen is then it is like Zero from Borderlands, The protagonist of The Ruiner, or kinda Rorschach from Watchmen btw I love Rorschach a ton, but the point at hand is that a protogen is a thing that has a visor for a face or something that can express emotions and expresses it in emoticons ^w^ like that.)

Character Information
