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Krowley by Jyskal



155 lbs

Slightly old art, not as bad as a couple others which need redoing, but still could use a style update. xD

So this is Doctor Thaddeus Krowley, an oncologist expert who utilizes his human-look to work at a hospital in his home city during the day, and at night he runs a (relatively) large group of inexperienced vampires, having his trusted staff train them, teach them, and take care of them. The point of it for him, is that he wants to get them out of harm's way. There are much larger, and less caring organizations which tend to take the 'adolescent' vampires, use them, and throw them away as pawns.

He's considered extremely formidable by the upper ranking members of his enemy organizations, which is one of the reasons they don't just eradicate his group by sheer numbers. His abilities revolve around blood manipulation. Puppet mastery, inducement of pain, or death by lack of oxygen (Stopping the flow of blood within the body, or using it to crush the internal organs.) and the ability to draw, and clot blood at will through already made wounds.

Now as formidable as he is, he prefers not to use really any of these techniques unless it's a dire situation, except for the clotting ability. He has on occasion utilized it during medical procedures to stop a patient from bleeding out. But for the most part he will generally only fight with a handgun he keeps on him.

One of the reasons for this preference, is that if he uses his ability to do something as drastic as ripping apart flesh, organs, or the blood FROM his enemy directly, it drains him entirely, and leaves him in a strong state of weakness after a few moments. His vision (in his one good eye) blurs, his motor skills are impaired, and his cognitive processing slows down until he can recover, so he's essentially a sitting duck. Not to mention all of his abilities drain some portion of his own blood during use, and the stronger the attack, the more is drained, and the closer he goes into an uncharacteristic feeding frenzy.

Now when utilizing his skills for puppet mastery, the energy drain for him is more subtle, because during puppet mastery he can't so much control every motor skill as just the basic ones. He can move the opponent similar to using telekinesis, and can paralyze them for while he's focusing, but he can't control their limbs very well. (Which means no, he can't make them stab themselves.) But if he does use this skill too often, or with too many at once, he still experiences the dizzy spells, the abnormally strong craving to feed, and the general weakness.

For something as small as inducing clotting, it causes next to no side effects, and can be done without much in the way of physical ques, so when he's around his human coworkers, they wont generally notice him doing anything.

Eye color: Hazel, but one of his eyes is milked over from blindness.

Hair color: Platinum blonde.

Character Information
