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Megami Doragon by Surge64

Megami Doragon


Megami Doragon
?(centuries old)
6' 0"
120 lbs.

Name: Megami 'Meg' Doragon
Aliases: The Creator, The Bestowed Vigilanty, The Gratifying Leader, The Legend.
Species: Dragondrian (Dragon Seedrian)
Rarity: Legendary
Gender: Female
Alignment: Good
Favorite Food: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Likes: Friends, company, adventure, heroic deeds, vanquishing all evil, reforming Coal.
Dislikes: Coaling Fuego (sometimes), her tail getting snuffed, 'Ball pushing physics', inappropriate mannerisms & irresponsible behavior.
Height: 6'ft

Megami is the most scarce of all other Dragondrians, being declared a mythical legend. She likes to refrain from all hostility, & prefers to solve problems diplomatically. The flame on her tail signifies her valor, & bravery. The burning radiance resonates to her goals as a compassionate leader. She gives wisdom & knowledge to others who aren't confident, & has given a name to herself as time went on. Her righteousness was so good, she was even declared 'mayor' on a number of planets, positions that she indeed turned down. She loves to explore, & to aid other people in their hour of need.

Megami has an insatiable appetite for otherworldly foods & supplements - But her deep love for Italian spaghetti will always serve as her favorite consumable. When visiting in a new location, she will try to get inside a restaurant, & have almost everything on the menu. & Yet she never gains a single pound. Putting her in an eating contest is suicide, for EVERYBODY ELSE.

But all silliness aside, Megami has origins that are locked away in the back of her mind...& For good reason.

Before there were Dragondrians, there was only ONE Megami in existence. Born on Green Gate, she had a odd birth defect when she was born - A set of horns, wings, & even a tail that ignites flame. Earthia knew she was special, but Lucas assumed poorly & believe little cute Megami was a threat to all other Seedrians (he believes it was some sort of permanent disease.) Despite all reluctance, Earthia had no choice (& by 'choice', i mean by order of the jury taking Lucas's side) - & Sent the baby away on transport ship. She never saw her fellow species or her family ever again.

Megami Doragon, presumably under a different identity at the time, had a past life. In which she grew up to be a formidable warrior. She was also incredibly dark & moody; concrete with dark hair & a blade she acquired on her journey. YADDA-YADDA, this was all going on by the time Lucas become Dark Oak, & lead the Metarex. That's a separate tale on it's own. Skipping to the end, Megami was too due for self-sacrifice. Just like Cosmo but not quite.

To make a long story short, she gave up her physical form (her body & mind) in order to sprout, & scatter billions & billions of little Dragondrian seeds out all over the galaxy. & Thusly, she became their mascot & rightful creator. But none of them realized that...& Neither does she. For you see, if there was ONE thing that Megami had to give up on, it was her memories. In other words, her mind & subconscious was completely erased. & Her hair became a shining blue after the deed was done. She was born anew.

Now she adopts a new name Megami, & was free with her spirit to help those in need. She became a hero to some, & a best friend to many others to come.

Character Information
