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Brikiir Spinleap by Predal1en

Brikiir Spinleap


Brikiir Spinleap
17 yrs
7.5 stones (105 lbs)

Sexuality: Demisexual

Song: Roll the Bones by Rush

Birth Season: Summer

Mate: none

Offspring: Infertile (due to hormonal imbalance caused by the unbalanced lifestyle and many diseases as a child)

Body Type: Lanky

Distinguishing Features: A notch in his right ear and paler fur in rings on his wrists and ankles, left over from shackles from his time as a slave. He has many whip scars down his back.

Quirks: Bounces in place if given nothing to do. He tries to keep a pack of cards in his pockets so he can shuffle them again and again. Speaks in third person most of the time, because he never learned to speak properly while he was a slave and wasn't corrected often when he first arrived at the kingdom.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Likes: Warm weather, peace, laughter, and making others happy.

Dislikes: Threats, whips, chains, negative emotions, getting yelled at

Fears: Whips, chains

Connections -

  • King Sunsong(of kingdom Cohrvira)
  • Queen Stareyes(of kingdom Cohrvira)
  • (formerly)Master Stonefang(wolf slave-owner)
  • Trickpounce, Nighthop, Pumpkinseed, Fencejumper, Cloudspringer(sister, brother, sister, brother, brother)
  • Klikiir Inksplash(mother)

Occupation: Jester of Kingdom Cohrvira

Worships: Baaz Leafdancer(god of humor and joy)

A complete and utter goofball, he does best with the sorts of tricks including tumbling or disappearing or joking. He considers himself rather good at cards and puppets as well, though not nearly as adept. Despite what many think about fools, he, like most jesters, is rather intelligent, though most of that intelligence goes to thinking of jokes and tricks. Physically, however, he is very fast and nimble but not strong. Good with kids.
Active, charismatic, imaginative, curious, dramatic, friendly, loyal, excitable, silly; often aloof and barely connecting to reality.

Born in a litter of five to their mother Inksplash, Spinleap's littermates were the possessions of Master Stonefang due to Stonefang owning Inksplash as his servant. The litter were raised into working, however, half of them weren't built for such hard labor. Fencejumper, Pumpkinseed, and Spinleap were those three out of the six rabbit kits. Spinleap, being the weakest, earned his fair share of beatings, and in his efforts to take off the cuffs too tight for his wrists, he gained many streaks of pale fur where it scarred but grew back. The other five had their cuffs changed as they grew, but Spinleap grew very little due to being sickly when he was young, and only once in his servitude had his cuffs changed to another size up. His jokes and silly personality also didn't make Stonefang terribly happy.
Inksplash did what she could to defend the trio of weak kits, even taking the lashes from the whip or the beatings for them. Her right leg was permanently mangled when the whip went low and caught her foot, sending her stumbling into a low pit in the ground and twisting her foot, bringing the forked metal whip around and ruining that foot.
Fencejumper, living up to his name, escaped one day to Cohrvira with a request for his family: buy them away from Stonefang.
Slavery wasn't a terribly uncommon lifestyle, but Queen Stareyes' soft heart won King Sunsong over and the two foxes bought the family and two felines getting too old to serve comfortably in Stonefang's rather brutal service. Once at Cohrvira again, Sunsong accommodated the two families accordingly and set them free.
Spinleap, however, took a less serious occupation than his brothers and sisters. Whereas his littermates were moving on to new cities or leaving to join tribesfolk and his mother remained in the safe home in Cohrvira, Spinleap wanted to put his humor to good use.
Before his brother, Cloudspring, left for another city to become a tailor there, he obeyed Spinleap's request and made him a crude jester's motley, though there were very few bells because gold or silver was hard to afford so far from mines. Nevertheless, Spinleap made the most of it, performing on streets and picking up tricks from passing carnivals. The first jester in a long while for that city, and Spinleap was thrilled to pieces when King Sunsong called him up to be the court jester. A new suit was made for him, though in the same pattern his brother had originally made by Spinleap's request, and the cloth was no longer cheap or the seams missing in some parts. A sleek, professional, belled joker's costume.
So the little rabbit won the title, although most of his work was spent at festivals and the like. He wore the gloves, though, so that nobody could see the scars on his wrists and feet from his former owner and he wouldn't scare any young ones or their parents. Being far more sensitive about the whip scars on his back, he was glad to have a costume he was certain wouldn't tear and show anyone his ravaged back. However, mere months into his work, since his mother had grown too old to work and care for herself, most of what he earned went to her. She grew frail and weak, but still Spinleap tried to help her. He became poor paying for medical herbs and treatment from the kingdom's healers, hoping to do whatever he could to help his mother live. When at last she died in the dead of winter, unable to withstand the temperatures, Spinleap mourned for months, wishing his littermates were still in the city. He still performed, still smiled, but the heart was gone for a while. He recovered slowly, spending more time around children and happy families.
Spinleap became happy once again, even finding someone he thought might like to become his mate before she left for a stronger, bolder rabbit buck who, although she wasn't insensitive enough to say it out loud, could sire children.
He got over that very fast in comparison to his mother's death. A day hating himself and two days denying the other rabbit male had anything he didn't. As the kingdom began growing in reputation with other leaders, Spinleap was spending more time in the kingdom entertaining the guests' guards.
Despite that King Sunsong and his mate, Stareyes, were beginning to grow old, both held firm until one autumn Stareyes caught a horrible disease. During that time, not knowing if she would live or die in a separate building to keep him safe, Sunsong was weak with worry, kept from tearing into the healer's building where Stareyes regained strength only by Spinleap's intervention, reminding him of happier times, more amusing times.
Not being at the Winter Festival when the seasons changed was what let Spinleap know of the presence of an arrogant newcomer and their apprentice seeking to ally with King Sunsong.

Character Information
