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Mia and Tia by Demonic-Pokeyfruit

Mia and Tia


Mia and Tia
8 years
6 ft at shoulders
4 tons
Stegosaurus ungulatus

What I drew on the stream tonight. As far as I know no one joined, but none-the-less I was able to finish some art!

Two more Stegosaurus characters, more specifically two of Brutus's children that he sired after changing genders in order to meet the environmental needs of his herd. These two were also hatched just a few years before the events of Jurassic World, and the reference depicts how they would look by the time the movie begins.

I haven't fleshed out their history yet, but they're known as twins because they were the only survivors of their nest after a virus broke out on the island and affected most of the Stego herd, particularly the young. As a result they were heavily protected by the adults, and are rather naive when it comes to understanding warning signs of when carnivores are near. It's a main reason as to why Brutus faced the Indominous Rex and ended up becoming heavily injured from the encounter.

There's a lot of extra space in this reference sheet, but I wanted to express just how large Brutus boy is, especially compared to the 'teens'.
Check out Brutus here!
