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King Gigabyte by CervineTeeth

King Gigabyte


King Gigabyte
Male Hermaphrodite
Fat Bug

Giga is based off of a Death head hawk moth, Mexican Red Knee tarantula, and a neon cuckooo bumble bee. He's a big sweet baby with a temper problem. He's autistic and struggles with social situations but once he gets to know you he'll be fiercely protective of you.

He'll probably make you a sweater out of bug wool and silk.

Giga is able to produce silk like a spider and his fur is similar to angora which is great for sweaters as he does tend to shed often. Mostly the fur around his neck and back. The rest of his body is covered in a thin soft velvet of hair which gives him a sense of touch. Under that is his rock hard carapace that's stronger than steal but it has its weak spots.