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Eks by Jifi-Dawg



26 (animal years)
Can change gender, prefers to be male
85 lbs (roughly)

Personality: A broken, tired soul. Eks's mind is a whirlwind of self-destructive emotions and thoughts. Nobody but Carl knows it, though. Eks's job is to be the strong one and protect everyone, so he has to constantly put on a stony, fearless facade. The preasure of it all cripples him to the point that all he ever wants to do is be alone. Even the smallest insult or argument will torment him for days until it either breaks him, or he drowns it out with something else. Fortunately, Carl is there to be that something else. He's Eks's emotional rock, and the two would be lost without eachother.

Likes: Stargazing, Carl, pleasant conversation, being alone, the color blue
Dislikes: Confrontation, his own emotional instability, large crowds


-The bandana around his eyes is a harness to keep his powers in check. Should it come off and let light in, Eks powers would increase tenfold. He isn't even sure if he can control it, so he never takes the bandana off. He can still see by sensing the raw energy pouring from him and bouncing off things around him, like echolocation.
-Although he chooses to use the bandana, he is not blind!
-He and Carl were both born from a dream I had.
-He was born on a planet far away, hatched from an egg. The race he belongs to aren't raised by their biological parents, but rather at the end of the birthing season, when every egg has been laid, they are rounded up and presented to the alpha family, or king and queen. The king then picks the eggs he feels are the strongest and the rest are passed around to deserving individuals with few or no pups. Eks was one of the eggs chosen by the king. He far exceded his siblings in every way, and the king came to love him as a son. Eks continued to grow, however, and the king became fearful that he would surpass him and take the throne. The king plotted to kill him, but Eks had grown too much and was able to fight his way to freedom. He crash-landed on Earth, where he met Carl. When the king came to Earth to finish the job, Eks was forced to finally kill him. He decided to stay with Carl, knowing he could never ever go back home.
-He secretly longs to be a normal dog.
-In battle he would obviously use his own powers.

Character Information
