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Digbats by TallynNyntyg



Live up to 120 years
Can be either gender
Range from 5-8 feet tall
Range from a scant 120 to a bulky 240 (iron-rich diet)


Digbats (not dingbat, you dingbat) are a peaceful race in the Aether (despite having gigantic kukri-sized claws that can shred flesh in an instant). They get most of their monetary earnings in the silver and bronze range of cuiska, and mostly for the ores they mine. These creatures are more efficient than most mining crews on Earth, due to their many traits:
claws, tails, antennae, ears, and wings.

-Their claws are razor-sharp, and with a carbon-rich diet, these claws come out nearly as hard as diamond, allowing a Digbat to carve ores out the walls with precision on par with a sniper. This precision also allows them to pluck out crystals of the Aether's form of applied phebotinum, Aetherium.

-Their tails store extra nutrients from food, which slowly releases during the day, allowing them to extend operations further and for longer. This can increase the hauls they have significantly.

-Their antennae help them sense air currents. This, coupled with their large ears, enables an increased perception, which in turn helps them find new branches to mine, or detect gas leaks in the case of an emergency.

-Their large ears provide them with a higher sensitivity to sound. The slightest shift in rocks or rush of air could create catastrophic or sometimes fatal complications. This also enables long-distance communication, with a lower volume to prevent aforementioned complications.

-Lastly, their wings give the obvious benefit of flight, which extends their mining expeditions' distance significantly. They can fly up to an hour at a time, and longer if there are any vents. This flight also enables them to construct mining platforms higher up, giving them different paths to mine without disrupting others' progress.

As could be inferred from the above information, one could determine that a Digbat's primary elemental affinity would be Air; however, this is actually the opposite to the truth. A Digbat's affinity is Earth, whose keyrune resembles two bricks laid atop one another, with red being the usual color representing the element. Aside from just minerals, Digbats find a lot of work in masonry and pottery, with various aboveground settlements taking pride in their earthenware and building materials.

Digbats are the only race in the Aether with more than four digits per hand, with a grand total of six on each. Because of this, they usually calculate everything in a base-twelve system, which can cause issues with the base-ten (count one of each finger, each thumb, then the palm) system the rest of the races use. As a minor consequence, these creatures tend to be fascinated by those with a different number of digits, and will ask genuinely curious questions about their fingers and counting systems. Some have even taken to learning both Standard Mathematics and Digbat Mathematics to satisfy their curiosity.

Character Information
