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Anthony by ZuZu-And-Friends



Raspberry Crazy Ant (Nylanderia fulva)

Anthony is a timid, shy, and jumpy ant-drone. Originally he was one of many ant princes belonging to a Raspberry colony designated #333. He and the other princes were very delicate and weak, often relying upon their stronger and hardier sister workers and soldiers to protect them, to take care for them, and to pamper them. A prince was to have a gentle, but firm demeanor, were expected to be given the most gentle treatment by the other castes of the colonies, and were to be prepared to fulfill their most important task of all: mate with the queens of the other nearby colonies.

Normally this pampering and spoon-feeding gave many of the princes a spoiled and pompous attitude, but Anthony was strangely different. Whenever a sister of his had mistreated him and a higher ranking official went to tell them off for it, Anthony often thought it was his fault most of the time and as a result often tried to pin the blame on himself, despite being told over and over that he was a prince, and no mere worker or soldier had any right to mistreat him. Whenever he got stressed or afraid, he often paced furiously in a small circle, muttering repetitive phrases and words under his breath as he did so. This often got so bad that he sometimes wandered out of the colony, having to be escorted back and lengthily lectured why he couldn't do that. During his routine of wandering about, he often collected useless or meaningless items to bring back into his small nesting room, often resulting in it having cleared out because it near took up all the space he had needed to sleep in. The most strangest and ironic problem with Anthony was that he was immensely afraid of any social interaction of any kind, this had come off as immensely alien to his entire colony, all ants, not just princes were heavily encouraged to interact and communicate with their kin, Anthony hadn't even wanted to do that, why not? He seldom spoke, at best one could get a few words from him until he ran away to hide and peek behind a corner with fear and tension in his eyes. He stuttered frequently, hardly ever being able to finish a sentence without repeating a word or sound two to three times.

By the time he was expected to be escorted to the closest colony to trade drones for mating purposes, Anthony had a break-down mid-trip out of stress and fear that he might do something wrong, what if he upsets the local queen over there? What if he fails to mate properly? His feeble brain couldn't take all of these pressures and as a result he escaped his soldier escorts and ran off into the nearby forest, weeping. He had never returned, and wandered into a new, strange world that he couldn't ever hope of understanding, he already had enough trouble enough with trying to live within his colony, how could he hope to interact with the other cultures and lands when he already desperately struggled to understand his own? He chose these risks over daring to return, as he knew failure to comply with orders could result in execution by order of the queen, regardless if they were of royalty.

-4 arms, two legs, arms vary between being equal in length or the lower pair being slightly shorter than the upper pair, his hands are three digited (two fingers, one thumb).

-heart shaped mandibles

-bunny like antennae, vary in width.

-large, luminous, buggy green eyes.

-Extremely soft-spoken and gentle with others and typically tries to be as kind as he can, though this often causes him to be manipulated with much ease, and may cause him a lot of trouble to try and help out with a problem that is far larger than him in scope.

-Anthony had often taken witness of his sisters fighting and wrestling around with either each other playfully, or to the death with the various invaders who dared attacking the colony, as a result Anthony is aroused by those whom are stronger then him and can put up a fight, fantasizing what'd be like to be pinned down for fun, or to beaten up, though when he tries to approach people he is attracted to because of this, he is often extremely flustered and nervous and will be very hushy and quiet when he tries to flirt with them.

-As his status and training from being a drone-prince, he has a highly submissive, gentle, and fairy like attitude towards everyone, having very little will to do what he wants most of the time and prefers have someone "controlling" him, both in the literal and metaphorical sense

-Sweats Formic acid

-His entire body tastes strangely of mint-chocolate,

  • His blood and internal organs are all colored minty-green to yellow-green, changing from one to the other depending upon his mood.

Character Information
