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Asra Avci by MoonstalkerWerewolf

Asra Avci


Asra Avci
117 lbs.

Physical Description: Asra is a woman of Turkish-Arabic descent with short, medium brown hair and tan skin, with brown eyes. She is frail-looking and thin from a decade of fighting severe illness and usually looks worn out. She is easily exhausted and not physically strong.

Clothing and Accessories: Typically wears coats, or else sweaters. While she doesn’t always need it, she does have a cane since she’s not so steady with a partially robotic leg.

Personality: Curious and mischievous, Asra is the type of person to poke subtle fun at people, and is known to cause ruckuses without meaning to, sometimes being too rash for her own good. She is stubborn and bold, but also cautious and sharp-witted. Above all else, she is endearing.

History: Asra is originally from a small family within Mundi's undistinguished middle class. While she has a rather mundane background, she's seen her fair share of troubles both significant and insignificant. While having loved and married Kemen Avci, she eventually noticed his obsession for mutant genetics, love for violence, and his twisted ideals of anarchy for Mundi's order. In order to protect her infant daughter as well as stop him from committing heinous crimes, she carefully outfoxed him and won a long-winded game of wit by providing mercenaries with proof of violent plans, causing him to be driven out of Mundi into the Outer Settlements.

Asra never legally separated herself from Kemen by namesake due to prioritizing caring for Eteri as a single mother. She was able to maintain a rather stable life for herself and Eteri until she fell drastically ill from a rare form of leukemia with osterosarcoma-like complications, which made her unable to continue a steady job. Asra remained in a struggle of relapse and remission for the next decade, trying to at least support Eteri's emotional state, especially after her near-death experience.

Likes: Nature, calm rain, quiet settings, pubs, bookstores, sweet teas, cats, and dogs.
Dislikes: Hospitals, loud noises, cold weather, nasty and unruly people.
Fears: Leaving Eteri alone, helplessness, dying alone.
Goals: TBA; Prevent Kemen from obtaining his goals (future)
Skills: TBA

Family: Eteri Avci (daughter), Kemen Avci (husband, formerly); Amira El-Amin (sister), Irem El-Amin (mother), Haidar El-Amin (father, deceased)
Friends: Donny O’ Donnaven, some others.
Enemies: Kemen Avci
Rivals: None
Pets: None
Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: Formerly a manager of a restaurant in Deeptown Mundi, is currently not employed due to constant relapse-remission states of illness.
Residence: Apartment not too far from Eteri’s place and the nearest hospital.

Character Theme(s):
"All the Way Down"- Once [to Kemen]
"Hear Me"- Imagine Dragons
"Lost"- Within Temptation

Character Notes:
-Knows sign language due to her sister being born deaf.
-Asra continues to draw in some sort of income through partial management of the business she had in Deeptown through communication services, but does not work a full-time, stable job. She mostly survives off conditional payments through Eteri's mercenary contract, although she is not happy about dependence.

Character Information
