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Eagle God-Heart by Eagle GodHeart

Eagle God-Heart

Eagle GodHeart

Eagle God-Heart
2300 (Earth years)
250LBs (0% body fat)

Eagle was born in a small remote village in the middle of whas some whould call "no where". His mother was an elven black smith, and his father was a wolf preist, but not one of your average wolves, he was one of the "beast men" as the rest of the races called them. Now tradionaly interacial marriage of any sort was frowned apon especialy between a "beast person" and an elf of any sort, but Eagle's parents didnt care, God called them together for a reason no mortal could ever truly understand letalone break this heaven-sent relationship apart. After the marriage between the two, both familes disowned them since both families were age old enimies, ever since the humans came and in stole most of the land there just about every race except the dwarves were squeezed together into small "rezervations" for the elves and beastfolk. They never got along after that since the elves' always considerd the beast folk savages for not haveing such a skill with spiritual energies, and the beast folk hated the elves for never giveing them equal rights and such. Long story short it ended with years of in-fighting with lynchings, rapes, etc. In the end the young couple did their best to make things as good as they could. After a few years they had there first and only child Eagle; a half wolf "beast man" half elf, who they decided to train in the art of smithing by his mother, and the study of the bible from his father. About when he was 9 his mother was kidnaped by a lynch mob and was hanged in the town square. The morning after his father entered the town square to find his wife hanging from a tree. He climbed up and took her down, being as gentle with her body as possible. He carried her now stiff body on his back to their home, where he burried her in the small plot of land behind there home. He left only a small grave marker wich read "The grave of a loveing wife and mother". After anouther 7 years Eagle had been trained by his father now not only in the bible, but as well as the fighting techniques he learned as a child. Then he sent Eagle off at age 16 with nothing more than the clothes on his back, a bag of gold, and the last thing his mother forged, a Katana with a message his mother insquribed on it for him "My dear Eagle, Remeber that I, your father, and God all love you. Let this sword keep you safe when i cannot"

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