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Eternal Army by Jaredthefox92

Eternal Army


Eternal Army
Male and female

"Always fighting"

The Eternal Army is the personal fighting force of Grief, God of War and Conflict. They have but two goals, to server their god to the bitter end and to wage endless war and battles in the multi-verses in his name. Members of the Eternal Army come from all walks of life, from civilians and mercenaries, to battle hardened soldiers from each army found on Mobius and beyond. Those who show merit and slay in Grief's name are shown favor and granted "gifts" in order to become more and more powerful.

The main leader of the Eternal Army is of course the Fighting God himself, Grief. He rules his personal forces with a surprisingly fair and just, (yet somewhat indecisive) giant fist. It is unknown who Grief's generals and advisers are in the War Room realm, but it is believed to be at least one leader or general from each faction that has been swayed by Grief's allure and promises of power.

Grief is the undisputed leader of the Eternal Army and as such his policies are the governing ones. However Grief believes in allowing individual freedom to his followers, (mostly due to the fact he's aready master over them anyway and thus this will keep moral up by allowing his followers the false belive they're in control.) Grief cares little about the method one goes to battle with, only that they follow under his command and follow his orders, how ludicrous or foolish they maybe.

Every member of the Eternal Army worship Grief, however Grief's stance on this worship is very simplistic and liberal. To truly honor the Fighting God one merely must fight in his name, (and win for the most part). Grief frowns upon idle worship and the construction of temples to honor him as he feels his forces should instead be training, fighting, and conquering in his name with the little mortal time they have instead.

Base of Operations
The Eternal Army's main base of operations is the War Room, and alternate disunion where Grief reigns supreme over it's natural laws. The War Room can only be described as a giant's bedroom that is city sized. Littered upon the ground is all manner of military vehicles, equipment, and armaments in which the Fighting God plays with once he is bored. It is believed that Grief can at any time animate all these weapons and vehicles thus bringing them to life even without an operator or driver.

Within the War Room is the Great Mess Hall, a facility where Grief's army eat, rest, and train for the next battle. It is believed that Grief allows brawling and fighting within this building to keep his forces alert and on their toes for when real battle occurs.

The Eternal Army is based in the War Room realm, there they can eat, resupply, coordinate tactics and intelligence, rest, and train. The Warm Room doesn't have a climate, yet Grief himself turns off the "sun" by turning off his bedroom's light for lights out. Many a looted food and water is brought to this realm to be stored, guarded, and fairly distributed among Grief's forces by Grief himself. Also throughout the War Room soldiers have ample areas to train and practice while Grief observes upon his gargantuan sized bed.

Grief's army honors their god by displaying proudly his own colors, since Grief favors the colors of black, green, light green, lime green, red, and of course purple and dark violet his forces wear these as such.While black is the preferred color out of these Grief is known to "war paint" his men to his desired color before battle.This can be perceived as a giant child painting his favorite toys the color he wants. Yet this ability to change color of soldier's uniforms isn't used on infantry alone, Grief takes great pride in coloring his "toys", (helicopters,Humvee, tanks, ect) as well.

Throughout the history of mankind during the Human Eras there have been constant wars and conflicts. all this hatred, violence, and endless fighting has manifested itself to create Grief. Grief has always hid in the sidelines watching humanity endlessly slaughter itself over and over again, eventually he decided he would in the shadows create his own secret army in order to fuel this conflict continuously.

When the Mobian Eras arrived they brought about great change, peace, and stability to the newly named Mobius. This bored Grief and he set about igniting a conflict on Mobius to fuel his bloodlust once more. Grief soon gathered forces from each army on Mobius and slowly converted them into his own personal force just waiting for the time to cause another war to begin yet again.


.Grief's War Room realm is based off the bedroom level in Army Men: Sarges Heroes 2, as well as the bedroom mutiplayer map in Army Men:3D

.The Great Mess Hall is based on the old Norse God resting place Valhalla in Asgard.

.Grief's Eternal Army is based on "The Beasts" army in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin/Dark Coflict, and obviously based on Khornates from the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Character Information
