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Cerlea Etzlilal by Melanie-sama

Cerlea Etzlilal


Cerlea Etzlilal
690 in human years, but seems 16
Imp (Demon)

Trey's younger cousin, Cerlea came to Earth with her twin brother Cryssis. When their parents told Chris he couldn't go to Earth, things escalated into an argument where her brother was sent to his room, the door being locked. Cerlea entered his room via the window to comfort him, and mused with him about Earth. Since she loves exploring, Cryssis easily convinced her to sneak out of the house with him to the heavily guarded portal to Earth. Distracting the guards with their own special brand of pranks and shenanigans, the siblings made it through the portal.

When Chris and Cerlea first arrived on Earth during the Middle Ages, they found human life to be boring for their standards. They followed their instincts to play pranks on the humans: hide their tools in unexpected places, dye their clothes in bright colours, and startling them with random animals running by. After the siblings were finally done having fun, they found out they couldn't go through the portal to return home. They were too young to pass through it. Cerlea panicked, but Cryssis calmed her down and decided they'd live in an abandoned house right outside of town, where they still make their home.

Since Chris isn't planning on leaving Earth soon, Cerlea stays with her brother to keep him out of trouble. Though she's the younger twin, she's often wiser, calmer and more careful then her brother. Cerlea is somewhat more welcoming to humans exploring their home, often offering them a warm drink and explaining they mean no harm and they'd rather be left alone, instead of scaring them away with pranks. However, being an Imp, she can't resist a good, harmless joke. Cryssis usually takes the lead in the pranks the two siblings play on their peers, planning them out and executing the main tasks, while Cerlea takes care of the needed supplies and keeps an eye out for their target. She has a knack for organizing things, and solving arguments peacefully. Outside their home, Cerlea makes more of an effort to hide what she is then her brother, often retracting her claws because of her gloves, and excusing the presence of her horns and tail as being accessories.

Both of the siblings are Imps, lower demons, and thus forced to listen to Trey.

Character Information
