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Vargoth Gro' Eradish by SBloodwing

Vargoth Gro' Eradish


Vargoth Gro' Eradish
Early to mid 20's
Orc/High Elf

Vargoth is one of my most cherished characters.

Vargoth lives a double life as a chief and an assassin. He is a kind and compassionate leader, set on creating a better life for orcs and other mistreated peoples everywhere. His clan is closed to no one. If they can prove their worth and honesty, or a commitment to bettering themselves, he will give them a chance. Unknown to the majority of his clan, he is also a highly skilled assassin. From a very young age, he trained under a dark elf master that his people nearly as much as Vargoth.

Before he was born, his mother Shavar grew up living the life of a slave. She was eventually bought by a kind human family with a farm where she obtained a semblance of freedom. One day while she was in the market buying goods for the family, she caught the attention of an orchish man named Jorgesh Gro’ Eradish. He was the chief of clan situated a few days north of town. Despite her weathered appearance, caused by the harsh years as a slave, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. She had fiery red curls and pale green skin, along with the most stunning blue eyes... She had longer than average ears. It was clear she had some elf in her. But still. He had to have her.

He did whatever it took to find out where she lived and who he had to talk to. The next day, he was on the farmers front doorstep. After an exchange of words and a promise of coin, it was ultimately up to Shavar.
"I will give you freedom, and everything your heart desires. If only, you will be my wife"
While she had grown to love her kind masters, the promise of real freedom was simply too enticing. And Jorgesh was not displeasing to the eye. There was also something about him, the way he took her hand, ever so gently. She agreed.

Once in her new home, she found that she was not the only woman that had ever caught the chiefs eye. In fact, Jorgesh had two other wives. This was normal among orcs. His first wife, Naruth had already given him two daughters and son. His second wife Baharu, it seemed, was barren.

It was not long before Shavar was with child. She bore... a little red headed runt. Jorgesh was displeased by this. In her younger days, Shavar had been used as a breeding cow. She had never been allowed to keep her children and thus insisted he give the babe a chance. And so he did.

Vargoth never got very big, especially compared to his older brother Ruthgo. He was a beast of an orc. Growing up to be a hulking seven feet tall and thick with muscle. Vargoth was always smaller than other orcs. But he was damn smart. And very quick on his feet. As the boy aged, Jorgesh could see that Vargoth was a different kind of strong. And he was proud.

However. Everything changed one day. Vargoth was nearly nine years old. A contingent of dark elf soldiers came through and laid waste to the clan. They were outnumbered five to one. Ruthgo, now 18, had been away. He returned to find the stronghold in flames, his family, his people, slaughtered. Most of the soldiers had left by now. A few stayed back to raid and makes sure anything of value was collected. He saw a group of them having their way with his little brother. In a sudden fit of rage, he took his warhammer and charger forward with a bloodthirsty cry. They didn't stand a chance.

After searching for other survivors with no luck, Ruthgo scooped up the crying boy and left. Before long, they found themselves in a mercenary guild. Vargoth performed simple tasks such as helping out with cooking and cleaning while Ruthgo helped with the real work.

One day when Vargoth was 10, he was sneaking around a town the guild camped outside of. Seething with anger, Vargoth wanted to exact revenge on the dark elves. He followed an older looking elf through the allies for some time. When he was finally alone, he lunged out from the shadows and tried to cut the mans throat. He failed and suddenly had the knife pressed against his own little neck.
"Hmm. Not bad for a kid. No one else seemed to notice you. But you didn't fool me. Now, if you really want to slit some dark elf throats boy, meet me outside the town gate tomorrow at midnight"
Vargoth was shocked to still be alive. And curious about the elves words.

He decided to meet this man. And so began his tutelage under a master assassin. As a young adult, With the skills he learned, he began using them for good. He started off by freeing slaves. Over time, many freed slaves had no where to go. So they formed a small clan, designating their savior as their leader.

Now in his mid 20's, Vargoth is the chief of a thriving and self sufficient clan, unlike any other.

A few extra details
Vargoth is gay, and very closeted about it.
He is quiet but friendly, and loves to read.
He leads his people with encouragement and fairness. He is very civil and well spoken.
Many new clan members question his abilities at first. He is small, and not very aggressive. Characteristics typically unbecoming of an orc. But he will put you on your ass in a split second with a dagger to your throat if he has to prove a point.
For many years, he and Ruthgo are rivals. Ruthgo is jealous of his earned position. Ruthgo was inline to be chief. Not his runt of a brother.
Eventually Vargoth finds himself with three lovers. His first, a human ex pirate that goes by Rooster. It is a very complicated relationship. His second lover, and possibly his most important, is a half demon orc named Uuhk. His third is with a four armed creature he rescued from the clutches of a "pet collector". Unable to cope with a normal life, Baeshra basically becomes Vargoth's pet, even insisting that he be allowed to wear a collar and leash.

And that is my little not so little bio of Vargoth :D

Character Information

