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Grioden by Rattnip



Sewer Rat

Grioden spent his younger years growing up in the tunnels of the sewers of a large city. His breed of rodent was thought to be inferior by the many other species who lived above ground. As he grew older and came into his natural rodent cunning he studied to grow it into intelligence while the majority of his cousins around him reveled in their natural lusts and penchant for thievery. Not that he looked down on them for that, he learned to use those skills to his advantage too. When he was ready to leave the sewers and take a place above ground he was looked at disapprovingly by both his cousins who stayed in the tunnels and the other species above ground. But when he started turning his skills to advantages some animals began to see his worth. Finding that he had a talent for money, he became one of those dirty rat bankers that seem to stereotype his kind but he's very good at it. And that's not the only source of income that he uses to maintain his lifestyle but he doesn't discuss such things with non-rodents.

The brown stripe along his spine hints at a mixed heritage somewhere in his genealogy. When taking in his scent, a very keen nose could pick up the smallest trace of another species or a completely different breed of rodent in his background but not enough to distinguish exactly what it is. As a rat who has earned a decent living, he did go and have his genetic structure analyzed so he would know exactly what he is but he's not about to discuss the results with strangers.

He doesn't try to hide his origins at all. Some have found his mischievous beginnings and scheming nature to be attractive and he certainly doesn't mind such attention. He is kind to those who deserve kindness from him and respectful to those who he feels deserve respect but he is a rat who enjoys superiority, status, and achievement. He uses such things to elevate himself over others to reach heights that other rodents from his tunnels could never dream of. As far as he sees it, if rats run the dark underworld of the sewers they may as well also run the bright lights of the city from behind the shadows.

This artwork was provided by HasegawaVega as the result of an auction on Furbid.

Character Information
