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Till Van "Pinkynose Ghostface" Ulrich by Jmonster

Till Van "Pinkynose Ghostface" Ulrich


Till Van "Pinkynose Ghostface" Ulrich
DY: 2 years
6ft 6in
220 lbs
47% Canis latrans (Coyote), 31% Canis lupus familiaris (Dog/NGSD), 22% Canis lupus (Wolf)

Proud/Narcissistic/ Polite
Proud: His upbringing within a pack of mostly females, and being born a male has caused the boy to become quite proud. Since he is also showered by his mother (as she was by her father) with love has made him become quite proud of who he is, even if he does not have a current father figure in his life.
Narcissist: Primping and preening, the boy always makes sure to clean up before any type of event, and he makes sure that he is well dressed and he is very much into himself. If he catches himself in a mirror it can be expected that he will sit there and look at himself and preen until he he satisfied with his look, or otherwise late to the party.
Polite: he is taught at a very young age that it is not good to be rude, and that one only gets the things he wants when they are polite and gentlemanly. Now, Till only picked up mostly on the politeness, but he is almost in no part a gentleman. He still is slightly abrasive, and he does not do many chivalrous things, though he will politely decline into doing something for someone should he not feel the need to.
Expressive/Outrageous/Attention seeker
Expressive: His mother did not teach him much about lying, about hiding his emotions from others, simply because she also was not one who would hide her own feelings. Since she had not taught him of the secretive nature of the Thistle pack, the boy is typically expressive with his shoulders, eyes, ears, and tail.
Outrageous: His mother is quite young to be a mother and has not reigned him in, so he tends to be quite outrageous when he speaks, and since he is widely ignored by others because of his bastard child status, he tends to seek attention from whoever and whatever really. He even will talk to nothing as he grows older. He normally plays this off as either knowing someone is spying on him or he was simply talking to himself.
As he grows older, he will start to take on different traits, his personality is highly transformable and still in the works.

Studious: Because of his ability to read as a young child, he often would spend rainy days indoors. He doesn't like to get wet particularly, and he is very vain about getting his pelt dirty which caused him to mostly want to study, to seem as if he was actually doing something instead of being lazy and not wanting to really interact and be around the other pups.
Intelligent: Till will grow to learn from his "uncle" Lokr. He will gain a good amount of knowledge in different languages, learning Italian, and Latin when he is very young, and then upon learning new languages, he also learns German from the Boss' children, as they were playmates as young pups. As he grows older, he takes a particular interest in diplomacy, so he also learns trader languages of Spanish, He learns to read and write at a young age as well,

Map-maker/ Tracker/ Archer
Tourette's Syndrome
Disease description: Tourette's syndrome is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by multiple physical (motor) tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic. These tics characteristically wax and wane, can be suppressed temporarily, and are preceded by a premonitory urge. It is often genetic, and carriers are liable to have 1:2 children who have this disease. The causes are unknown.
Specific Ticks: twitching his ears, flicking his tail, twitching his neck, clearing his throat
Stress Level: Moderate - Till suffers from minor anxiety attacks that will increase the symptoms of his disease. The more nervous he gets, the worse his ticks get.

Character Information
