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Lokali by animalartist16



Young Adult
1.5 ft at shoulder// 3 ft w/neck stretched// 5 ft with tail fully extended
57 lbs

Some more info on her:
Name: Lokali (Loh-kah-lee)
Nickname: Loka or Kali
Gender: Female
Species: Caracoati (care-uh-ko-wah-tee)
Age: Young Adult

Anatomy tips: Face is mostly coati-like, with a slightly shortened snout, and a bit more angular from the cat-like features. Eyes are caracal-like. Tail is coati based, and is flexible. Sometimes seen curled a bit at the tip, as coatis sometimes hold their tails. Paws are caracal-like, with retractable claws, and dewclaws that help grip tree bark. Body is long like a linsang, and flexible like a cat. Belly fur scrunches up when curled (as shown). Can look significantly smaller by curling up as well. She has light whiskers, though they are not shown here (forgot to add them, oops). Fur is mainly medium length, but has longer fur around the face, tips of the ears, back (starting behind shoulders), elbows/thighs, and tail. Close in size to a large caracal (if it was longer).

More on Personality: While she is mainly calm, relaxed and docile, she can have a temper if people get on her bad side. It is pretty hard to get her angry though. However, she's usually more on the shy side and prefers to avoid conflicts in the first place. While the species is a bit more sociable, she is a bit of an introvert. Doesn't like large crowds, and gets tired out easily. She doesn't hate being social, and is very friendly, but after so much, she prefers to go back to her trees and take a nap.

She loves trees and climbing/hiding away in secret spots. While she prefers being in trees, sometimes she likes to take a swim as well, especially on hot days so she can cool off easier. Not hugely active, but does enjoy playing around at times.

Diet: Omnivorous, mainly carnivorous. Loves fresh meats and fruits. Has a sweet tooth for fruits such as strawberries, cherries, bananas, watermelon, etc. Also scrounges for nuts and berries, and loves fish. While the species is also known to eat insects and carrion (and scavenge pretty much anything), she is rather picky with foods.

Character Information



  • Link

    This is an awesome character and you have no idea how happy I am about the species combination.

    • Link

      Thank you so much! I'm glad I thought of it too ;u; She was originally adopted as a fox, but I experimented with a new species design instead and like how it turned out. Now she's one of my favorite characters of mine at the moment lol.