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Shadow by Cortana




His coloration was hardly changed at all. The largest difference is in his body structure itself, though that's not much either.

● Body Structure Notes

➤ Tail gradually becomes paper thin, the tip being that of an arrow shape.
➤ The tounge holds the shape of a slight trident, unable to break form.
➤ Claws are very large and are always exposed.
➤ Long, thin legs that seem unable to bend (but do).
➤ Skull head and ears connected.
➤ Mane prods out of top of skull head and down the middle, leading into a neck tuft before fading off.
➤Spine prods out of back, exposed and vulnerable.
➤ Fire on tail-tip can move places to anywhere on or around the body, it is a sign of his demon 'soul'.

● Character Info

➤ Creator: Hades Macoy (
➤ History: Hades first serious creation, Shadow is his idea of 'perfection' when it comes to a brutal demon. He upgrades him when ever he can (without Seff knowing or realizing), considering him to be his ultimate creation. Shadow posed as Seffs father as he grew up, always going along with the plan to trick Seff into joining Hades as his 'son' and heir. When Seff finally agreed, Shadow was forced to join with Seff and replace his soul. Shadow would have refused if given a choice, but finds Seff is slowly growing on him. He and Seff share the same feelings, emotionally and physically, which also means he is in love with Fenrir. He is enraged at the idea and revolted, preferring to be with his own entities rather than that of flesh. He cannot be away from Seffs body for more than a maximum of a week before he and Seff both begin to deteriorate. Once Seff dies, Shadow will be free once more to do as he did before being confined to the mans body.

● Personality

➤ ❃Blunt❃ ❃Relentless❃ ❃Playful❃ ❃Angry❃ ❃Spiteful❃ ❃Hateful❃

There is only a few things that can really be categorized into Shadows personality, and the three things above are the main things he can be seen expressing. They all come with different situations and different levels of their own.

Character Information
