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Tarraeqa Dirso by FamiliarAlien

Tarraeqa Dirso


Tarraeqa Dirso
a lot

There, its been long awaited but I finally got 1 of 6 major villains done! Those big arms were a pain the fucking ass to draw, never again am I trying to draw those on that angle x-x. Anyway as you can see the sheet here has different colours than my usual sheet. Eventually I plan to redo the sheets of the 6 main characters so they're distinguished from the secondary cast but that's a bit in the future. Anyway onto his info!

Tarraeqa comes from a wealthy and high status family of Desergen. As a child he did not like the relationship his species shared with the Deserge as he felt it was discriminatory and insulting. Eventually he grew quite bitter and decided something had to be done and screw any law that stood in his way. Over time he used his resources to get involved with many shady characters and shady practices all while using his gained partnerships to increase his mercenary numbers as well as access to weapons. Now he is consider one of the most powerful criminals by the UIUP; said to be connected to a great number of terrorist attacks and civil unrest on many planets. As of the beginning on the story he has hire many of his workers to try to find a particular former slave which has the knowledge to create a weapon able to grant him the ability to take back the planet Desergen.
Tarraeqa... is surprisingly not that horrible of a person. Mind you he's connected to a lot of deaths but unlike most people in his position he does it with the goal of actually improving lives. He even punishes and outright kills his mercenaries or other such workers if he finds out they've been using resources he gave them to kill or harm without good reason. He is a strong believer that the end does in fact justify the means but only if the means isn't wasteful or overly cruel. He is quite outgoing and actually does spend what little free time he does have just making friendly with others often with no overarching purpose. All around he's relatively charming for an extremist.
-Other points of interest-
-Tarraeqa is actually quite large and muscular even more a Moln, being over 10' tall and having thicker arms. This is his natural build as he doesn't actually work out that much.
-Despite most of his labour being mercenaries he does have several thousand Moln under his rule which are there not for money but for his words of hope. Even if many are less skilled with weapons (since using guns is kinda hard when you're a subterranean eyeless species) he trusts and puts far more faith in their skills than anyone else.
-Tarraeqa unusual for his species actually has several wives... and husbands. He's just that charming it seems! Its not cheating by the way, all his partners are aware of the existence of the others.
-Unlike most villains he's actually not that conservative with his resources and often spend frivolously. He cares more about his causes than he does about profit.
-Much like most of his kind he has quite a bit of pride based on his skills. Despite having no need to take up any challenge he will fight almost anyone that asks him even if it means putting aside something important. He hasn't lost yet.

So enjoy and feel free to leave feedback or a favourite if you want.

Entirety and all concepts related to it belong to *Goatlactic

Character Information
