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Korou (Gensou Ichida) by kokorogensou

Korou (Gensou Ichida)


Korou (Gensou Ichida)
Specifics unknown; presumably mid-20s or early-30s
Appears to be androgynous; doesn't care what pronouns he's referred to by (he/she/they)
170cm (5'7")
Volfenn (fennec fox)

reference sheet here:

Known to the Volfenn tribe as little more than a dropout of a sorceror, Korou longed for a more exciting life outside of the searing badlands of Animus. While exploring the wilderness, he came across a mysterious ship lodged in the canyons. Upon further examination, the ship didn't seem to have any signs of life onboard, yet it still seemed functional. After a bit of tinkering, Korou managed to activate the ship and launch it into the stars, leaving his homeworld for good.

Having no desire to return to Animus, Korou made the ship (which he calls the G Free) his home, wandering the cosmos as he pleased. While he currently enjoys a rather lax lifestyle as opposed to the exciting one he expected, he does make the occasional stop to various planets to get supplies and take up jobs. Even nomadic space fennecs need to eat. And buy games and books. But food is more important, really.

Korou goes under the pen name of "Gensou Ichida" when dealing with things he needs a full name for. He tends to refer himself by this name quite a bit, though you can just call him "Gen" for short.

As far as personality goes, Gen seems to be rather relaxed, preferring to sleep rather than fight. Though a few would call him lazy, Gen can be very passionate about what he does and likes. He can be shy around new people, but once he warms up to someone, more than likely he's found a new friend and is more than willing to help them out.

[AN: ah yes, my fursona as of late 2013. been meaning to get his profile up on here; i have a charahub for him in progress but it's still a really rough WIP right now, so this'll suffice for now, i guess. :'D

his charahub profile can be seen here if you want, though:

and yeah he's somewhat of a dinosaur planet fancharacter i guess, though the tones aren't really that noticeable unless you know quite a bit about the game universe (which is hard considering the game was never released)]

Character Information
