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Arigo (Imp) by DancingVulture

Arigo (Imp)


Arigo (Imp)
Turkey Vulture Shape-Shifter

Arigo (or "Ari" in this form)'s Imp form.
Arigo is a shape-shifter who takes forms varying from a full, natural turkey vulture, to a human, to everything in between. He does not speak, having no vocal chords, and instead uses telepathy. Arigo is incredibly Taoist in nature, and often conveys messages encouraging others to go with the flow and enjoy life whenever possible. He is easily pleased and easily impressed. Nothing ever seems to ruffle his feathers (haww).
This may be Arigo's favorite form, as it's simple to pull off and the most fun to be in! Ari normally takes this form when feeling the most care-free.

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    tiny stubby vulture form is best form

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      Hahaha <3 YESSS. I want to be a tiny stubby vulture too!

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    Cute cute cute cute

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    Hi! I found your page here when I was doing a Google search about a dream I had .... Can I ask you... Is this stor about your vulture one that you made up? Or is it based on any cultural story? ...I ask because your description of Arigo matches exactly to the Shapeshifter spirit I met in my dream this morning! ...I would be overjoyed to hear more about your knowledge or experience in the dream realm of this entity. Thank you!! Wishing you love and light today ☆☆

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      Hey there!! Oh gosh, it's really cool that you found me that way <3 ! Arigo is a big hodgepodge character I made as the result of a whole lot of crazy dream things. "Arigo" has been the only name ever presented to me in a dream, written on paper by a young mute boy in a dream years ago. The name always stuck with me, so when all these vulture dream happenings started, I thought it was appropriate to dub him that ^^ Back in 2011 I started having vulture dreams like crazy out of nowhere. The first dream involved a bunch of strangely colored ones performing some elaborate dance circle, the next involved large, threatening ones, and another still involved one that looked like this version of Arigo here just plopping himself in my lap and having a discussion about vultures. Within all these turkey vulture dreams, I also had one about a man who shape-shifted into a king vulture, and more pretty odd dreams always with that vulture theme ever since the first one all those years ago now! I would love to hear about your recent shapeshifter dream! Sorry if I was a tad rambly here, I've never been asked about Arigo's origins before and got a tad excited to share, haha.