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Kahnj by Kehnj



98 Kriz
Alien/ unknown


His alien species is unknown and never before seen or recorded throughout the known galaxies. He has a humanoid/ Arainian build, more partial to human in his small frame, but thin and light similar to the Allanza.


Green: Neutral
Red: Angry
Blue: Very upset, depressed
Pink: Embarrassed
Purple: Excited


K-14- Kahj is a professional, highly sought-after intergalactic thief, Hacker and programmer. He has the skills of an assassin but has no interest in killing for hire, only killing as he sees fit. He wanted by the Intergalactic special force space federation as well as several Black market trade leaders.
There’s an insanely high bounty on who ever catches K-14, preferred alive but dead is fine, although the price is higher for him turned in alive.
He wanted for Grand theft and murder and many other things. But the problem is, no one knows his face, only the signature he leaves at every crime scene on the wall ‘K-14’

Father: unknown
Mother: Unknown
Lover: none
Adoptive parents: Deceased

Adopted brother: Yoshi

Not much is known about Kahj before the age of 13, He was an orphan that was repeatedly sold through the slave market. Not even he remembers where he came from. As a boy he had many awful things done too him, including a branding on his back shoulder for the symbol of slavery and a vin number on his lower abdomen just above his genitals. The vin number reads:


At age fourteen one of the guards raped him, and even though It had happened many times, K-14 finally snapped and killed the guard and a whole squad as well as several other slaves and buyers as he escaped into a massive drifter colony ship to a simple transport ship where he hid. Loosing his left eye in the fight taking a plasma cannon to the face.

The ship was piloted by a man who transported food to the poor colony’s from the farms he had back at his home. On his small ship his wife and young ten year old son also helped. K-14 was found by the young boy, Yoshi. K-14 was hostel at first towards the parents but eventually allowed them to clean him up and clothe him, at which point they took him in. He didn’t speak for a year, and for a while they just assumed he couldn’t. Though he finally warmed up to them and opened up, talking and laughing spending time with the family even helping his new father take the charity food, learning about piloting from him, taking it on and learning as well as finding a passion in computers. They came to call him Kahj.

The hit to his face caused some brain damage to him impairing his speech and motor functions. His intelligence remained the same as well as his learning capabilities, but he was still viewed as mentally retarded by so many.

When he was sixteen he built his own cyborg head computer to sync in with his brain and fix himself, His prodigal little brother was the one he had install it. At age 14 the boy preformed the brain surgery to implant the device. And it worked but had an unfortunate consequence, as the computer didn’t react with his brain well enough the Fey’zon in the device almost taking place of the oxygen his brain needed to survive.

He immediately fell ill with sever breathing complications. Yoshi got to work to save his brother getting Fey’zon into his system though an oxygen mask. Immediately he improved, but he needed the Fey’zon oxygen mix to survive now.

Four years later a raid came through the farm, where men burned it down and killed his adopted parents while he and his brother escaped. They came through and burned it because they were giving the food away for free, and refused to give to them and their troops.

Over the years Kahj decided to give back like his father did but in different ways. Kahj Stole artifacts and things of great value and sold to others giving the majority of the profits to poor people in drifter coloneys as his father once did with food.

Character Information
