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Tio Crowell by shkkf

Tio Crowell


Tio Crowell
165 pounds

Born in 1989, Tio Crowell had never known his parents. A mother that left this world during childbirth and a father that did not stick around gave the world young Tio. The kit was left with nothing but a beating hear and black eyes.

Tio was raised at the local orphanage, as no family member wanted to take in such a cursed child. The orphanage itself was not the best place for him to find himself. As socially he became an outcast because of his eyes.
He was bullied severely because of his ‘affliction’ damaging more of his self-esteem. Feeling so alone, he struggled to develop proper skills in socialism, only having learned the basic of things and sarcasm is something he totally doesn’t understand.
Through it all however, he keeps smiling, creating a sort of personality in which he feels joy and fulfillment in seeing others happy. Even if he himself feels sad and tired.

Later in his life, during his puberty, Tio found himself with another setback in his life with the coming of his wings. He became more and more an outcast then he had been before. Where even the orphanage that had taken care of him for so long, turned its back to him. But still in such times, he kept up a smile for himself and others.

However his inner sadness began to weigh on him as he grew older and his difference became more apparent. Hoping the answer would lay in his past, he looked and looked for his father, the one relation he couldn't be sure was still walking this world. And the only one who might accept him for who and what he is. The journey was longer than he first thought it would be, inside his heart the sadness grew worse but he tried to stay ever positive.

He became fully isolated during this time, hanging on the streets, learning how to survive, trying to get those wings under control. He started to dislike what he is, only wishing to be normal. The fact he became a young adult and got feelings he never acted on, made it even more difficult.

During this time in his life, he took any job he could to put food in his belly even stealing food to survive once in a while. As he got older, he had to invest some of his money in some jui jitsu lesson to defend himself from those who had the misfortune to try and mug him. He befriended few, keeping most at bay, never letting anyone find out about his wings and hiding his eyes under the belief it was a sickness. Those that did find out about Tio, began to shun him.

Tio had through it all still remained a believer of religion, as he was taught in the orphanage: “Every kit has a place in this world.” He himself with his wings, proof to the existence of other such creatures.

The young adult, began to be able to see into people’s heart, an ability that proved useful to him. As he could see which kat was honest and those that lied.

It wasn’t long after he had reached his twenties that Tio came across a very unlikely person. Another cat that went by the name of Aiden. This person was strange to Tio as he had sought contact with the Nephillim, even whilst not knowing what Tio truly was. However, it soon became clear to the Nephillim that this mortal had begun to grow fond of the man.
Aiden himself was police officer, stationed in New York city. A city that had many supernatural beings, but most tend to avoid contact with mortals with the exception of several special barrs where such creatures gathered. Tio himself had met Aiden in such a barr, with the other not knowing where he was.

The two became close friends, the first one Tio ever had. A person that actually liked him for who he was even when he didn’t know about his heritage. But when the time came that Tio showed him, Aiden did not flinch or took a step back but accepted the male for what he was as well. It was during this period that Crowell decided to accept more of what he was seeing that some would allow him to be who he was and not be ashaemed for it.
However tragedy struck not too long after that when Aiden was killed by a vampire. Tio took revenge on the murdered swiftly and quickly, before tending to the fatally wounded Aiden. With his last breath, the man asked Tio to keep his soul. As Aiden had already given his body and heart to Tio, the last thing that Aiden could then give was his soul. The cat agreed to this even with tears in his eyes as he took the soul from his previous lover. He still keeps the soul with him in a special pendant around his neck that he never takes off.

Character Information



  • Link

    Let's hope it worked this time. Hehehe!