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Kohana by Novasiri



5' 4"
145 lbs.
Beast Changeling

Changeling: The Lost | Character Biography
(Warning: Lots of reading ahead!)

Kohana's major strengths come in his ability to run. The trademark trait of the Runnerswift Kith. Koh can run far faster than any human, and also possesses an incredible jumping ability due to the antelope/oryx qualities his body took on. However, he's a very spiritual person, and has an uncanny connection with the Spirit World. Because of this, he used it to his advantage in his durance to speak with the spirits of children who had passed on in that world, to find water or food sources.

Seeming: Beast

Kith: Runnerswift

He appears as a young, 15 year old native american boy. His skin is a light, almost creamy reddish-brown and his hair looks to be almost a dark to dull blonde with some strands of darker coloration. He stands only at a mere 5 feet and weighs a rather hardy 160lbs. He has a portly build with a rounded out midsection and a round boy-ish face. He often wears the same clothes as his Mien, tribal looking, shamanistic robes. But he seems to be wearing moccasins for shoes. But they seem rather stiff, thick soled, and look more like hooves than shoes... Odd. He also appears to have an odd limp.

Night and Day are the best words to put his Mein in accordance to his Mask. His hair is an off blonde coloration, however; like this there are brown markings training from the ends of his hair on both his head, the back of his legs, and his tail. This is also true on the back of his arms, but he often wears long sleeved shirts or wraps his arms up to keep the hair out of the way.

His face is found, boyish, and seems to remain human. But his nose is slightly pushed forward and rounded out, as if it was almost beginning to turn into an Oryx snout. Even the nostrils seem to be in a mid change from human to animal; even being slightly black. Two budding horns rest on the top of his forehead. These often cause him minor discomfort as they are the one part of his body that is still 'growing'. His ears are very long, folded over, but tend to remain in a downward position. He can hear very well.

His body is covered in a sort of coarse 'fuzz' not quite fur, but not hair either. And not long enough to be of any trouble. It's a tan-cream color, with part of his face, neck and belly being a whiter cream color. His legs are unguligrade, with solid black hooves at the end. He still has some trouble casually walking on these. But when running, he's fleeter than any skilled runner or Olympic jumper. His tail is long and rudder like, usually used for balance or even helping him steer himself in a full run.

History Before Being Taken:
Sadly, his memories of before he was taken was next to impossible for him to remember. His durance having torn at his mind and body to a point that remembering his past, human life, invokes mental pain to him. He finds native american music to be familiar, and also holds a familiarity with their culture.

He doesn't remember how he got to the Preserve, but he knew he was being chased before finally getting caught in a net and dragged away. His first recollection was seeing the tall grass of the Savannah. How nothing felt.. normal. Everything was different, always changing, never the same. The sky was never night or day for long, rain storms would appear and vanish out of no where. The temperature was chaotic, always shifting from extreme colds to horrible heats.

His first few days were a waking nightmare, forcing himself to eat the tall grasses just to fend off hunger while he tried to survive in this place. Those early days were a blur. But he remembers the grass. From first eating it, he started changing. First it was the fur, then the ears, the tail, his hands, then the horns came. No bit of it was pleasant, in fact, most were downright painful. And as time went on, the changes got more and more extreme as he was forced to live on the land itself. His legs became that of an animals. Hooved and digi-graded, but fast and strong like an antelope. The days were difficult to chart. And as time pressed on he became known as 'Kohana' or swift.

This name came about as he was able to outrun many of the other kidnapped children who had become meat-eaters or predators. But he also gained the name of 'Rain-Maker' or 'Water-Finder' by the scavengers and others who took to eating plants. Aiding them in finding water, or even listening to the spirits of the land to know when the next rainstorm would finally come around. And how long it would last.

His return to the human world had been an accident. By this time his nose and face were starting to take some resemblance to the animal he was becoming. He'd staved the changes off by keeping to his human roots. Building a camp and living in a somewhat tribal civility. He wished not to become a feral one, a child who had completely given into the animal. How long he would last though.. he didn't know.

But on one of his trips around the Savannah to locate new watering holes, he had stumbled upon the thorns and into the Hedge. He knew not what this place was, and continued forward. A new area in the Preserve? No.. It couldn't have been.

Something kept him moving forward.. and it led him through the thorny brambles into Grimes.

A very calm, spiritual and paced individual for the most part. However, Koh seems locked in a constant Flight Mode, and is very timid, shy and ready to bolt at any given moment.


Eternal Spring ***

Gift of Warm Breath - If a changeling has been offered food by the target, the changeling may fill them with a mystical renewing energy.
New Lover's Kiss - If the changeling kisses the target, the target's wounds are healed.
Warmth of the Blood - If the changeling create a circle of blood around a target, then changeling's blood serves as a barrier.

Koh carries very little with him. Primarily a staff of strong, warped and slightly charred wood. It has many feather based trinkets over it, and he uses it to walk or even defend himself with. Aside from this, he often carries a small pouch under his robes that contain a variety of bundled grasses, seeds and barks in-case of hunger. A habit from his survival. But he also carries several small bottles of Aloe Vera and various viscous liquids used in healing.

The Keeper:
The Big Game Hunter - Koh is not quite sure what his Keeper's 'name' is.. or what they look like. All he is aware of is that TBGH owns a massive area of Arcadia that is filled with a variety of wilderness areas, with a Savannah being the largest. They kidnap children, and force them to survive off the land until they change into animals, before hunting them down for their pelts or anything else of value. Koh was not targeted for a hunt, as his Keeper was waiting for the boy to mature into an adult Oryx to hunt him for his horns.

Character Information
