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Rhiel Morrigan by Luck Be

Rhiel Morrigan

Luck Be

Rhiel Morrigan
900+ (varies)

-- Ref by Ruggy --

A thin, underfed man of approx. 6ft. Long limbs lend grace when he's not thinking about it, and stilted awkwardness when he is (which is most of the time. He's very selfconscious). His skin is incredibly pale and pink-toned with veins visible on much of his body. Hair is bi-colored, a small amount of black underlying a layer of white over top. Lashes and brows are white. Has little body hair save for a light dusting on arms, legs, and groin, and sideburns when he does not shave (which he typically does). He also has a crest of black hair running down his spine to the base of a long, white-furred tail with a long black tuft at the end. There are similar, smaller tufts of fur at the end of his pointed ears, rarely visible beneath his hair unless it's pulled back. Hair is usually worn loose around his shoulders. His eyes are a bright, intense lavender with round pupils. His fingernails and toenails are exceptionally hard and black, and slightly pointed, though not enough to function as claws. He also has very small two point antlers, which fade from white at the base to black at the tips.

What Rhiel considers the first year of his life is only the first year of his new life, as the years before it are a mystery. He awoke on a human colony after an extended coma, with no memory beyond what he figured was probably his name. Rhiel spent much of his life seeking clues to his origin, but found very little until fate led him to his sister around his 800th birthday. Rhapsody Fortunatas was not at all what he expected, and Rhiel swiftly alienated her with his destructive lifestyle. Meeting her left him more confused and lost than before he knew her, despite all the answers she gave him. His fantasies of life after finding his family did not match what he found in reality, primarily through his own failings. It gave him a spark of drive to better himself, though he did not and does not know how. Every step feels like the wrong one, and after a lifetime of screwing up, Rhiel isn't sure where to begin picking up the pieces.

Rhiel is bitter and worn down by his long life, which he tries to cope with through drugs, alcohol, thrill seeking, and sex. The results are mixed. While it keeps him going through his darkest moments, it tends to create more of them, driving him to further crave distraction and excitement. He is haunted by memories of terrible deeds done to his person, and hides his PTSD from those around him as best he can. He wanders the stars, adrift without a purpose, while the world moves on at a pace he can't quite match. Sometimes, in rare moments, the beauty of the things he's done and seen creeps through the darkness and startles him with its intensity. Sometimes he even lets it make him happy.

"Life is a study of contrasts- love and loss, fear and curiosity, laughter and sorrow. One makes us feel the other more keenly, makes us appreciate the good all the more. A life without pain, without suffering, is a shallow, wasteful existence. You cannot appreciate what you have until you know what it is to live without it."

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